Install linux (ubuntu) dual system under windows system

Install linux (ubuntu) dual system under windows system
The original programmer loves yogurt (QuellanAn) last released on 2018-03-09 13:41:13 Reading number 24907 collection
I’m looking for a job recently. Many interview requirements are written about familiarity with the Linux system and good at shell programming. Although I have studied operating system courses in school, I have forgotten about the courses I learned now when I come to work, and those linux commands are not If you use it often, it’s easy to forget. I wanted to learn linux for a while, but I haven’t been hard-hearted, always on the website (Laboratory Building Learning, but it’s actually hard to stick to it. I installed a virtual machine on the window system, and then installed ubuntu on the virtual machine, but it is equivalent to a piece of software. It is quite a card to use, and the experience is too bad. I finally made up my mind to install it. I have a linux system, but I still feel that it is inseparable from the windows system. After all, I have used the windows system for java development from school until now. I was afraid that I could not adapt to the change at once, so I installed a dual system.
Okay, nonsense, let’s just start, the first things we need to prepare:
U disk (capacity>8G), UltraISO burning software, Ubuntu image file

  1. U disk is used as a boot disk, just like using Lao Maotao or Chinese cabbage to make the U disk into a boot disk to install the window system. 3.0 port is better, which is faster.
  2. You can download UltraISO software on your computer, you can use Baidu UltraISO ( to download and try it for free).
  3. ubuntu mirror file, this can be downloaded on the official website, I used ubuntu 15.10. You can choose the mirror file you want. URL: ( Hope it is useful to you).

[Ubuntu system space preparation]
Open the "Disk Manager" in Windows 10, find a free disk partition, compress a part of the space for Ubuntu use, the compressed hard disk should be in an unallocated state. Or delete an unused local disk to make it unallocated (usable). I specially set aside a disk, 100g, generally better than 40G, so that the experience will not be stuck.

[Next make Ubuntu boot disk]

  1. Insert the U disk used to make the boot disk (it will be formatted, please back up important files), and open the UltraISO burning software (free indefinite trial).

  2. Select "File (F)" -> "Open", find the "Ubuntu-16.04-desktop-amd64.iso" image file, and click "Open".

  3. Select "Boot (B)" -> "Write Hard Disk Image" to open the boot disk creation interface.

  4. Then click "write" below, a warning prompt will pop up, after confirming, it will start to make a boot disk. After the writing is complete, close the UltraISO software.

At this point, the USB boot disk is ready, the next step is to shut down the computer and enter the BIOS, set the system to boot from the USB disk, not to mention here, after all, those who have installed the window system know how to do this step, or the text says Come on haha
[BIOS setting]

  1. Shut down, restart the computer, enter the BIOS (F12, F1, F2, Fn+F1/F2, try it yourself, anyway, I am F2 (Lenovo g400)), turn off the Fast Boot option of the Windows system, that is, set The status is Disable.

  2. Set the U disk as the first startup item in the BIOS and shut down the computer. (For some computers, you can press "Esc" before booting, and you can directly open the UEFI boot selection interface when booting. You can check your computer's method in this step).
    【Install Ubuntu 16.04】

  3. Boot from the U disk and enter the Ubuntu system burned to the U disk. (Note: You can choose either "Try ubuntu" or "Install Ubuntu" in this step, and you can enter the trial Ubuntu interface.)

  4. Choose to try Ubuntu, wait a while, enter Ubuntu Desktop, as shown in the figure:

  5. Double-click "Install Ubuntu 16.04LTS" in the upper left corner to open the installation interface. (The installation process is relatively simple, just enter some information as prompted)
    A: Select the installation language in the language column on the left, and then click "Continue".

B: If the internet speed is relatively fast, you can check "Download updates when installing Ubuntu". (If the selected language is Chinese, the Chinese input method will be automatically installed during the update. Of course, you can also install the Sogou Pinyin input method Linux version after the installation is complete)

Click to continue:
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C: Ubuntu detects that there is a Windows system in the hard disk, so it will install Ubuntu using the unallocated space by default. This is also the convenience at the beginning, to avoid the unreasonable partition of oneself.
Note: If there is no clear prompt of "coexist with other systems" in the first item, be sure to select the last "other options" and then manually partition. Otherwise, your hard disk may be formatted (the entire system will become a linux system, bid farewell to windows haha).
If you choose other options, it will be partitioned. Everyone's computer is different. Let me talk about my own.
The picture is the picture found on the Internet (I can't cut it when I install it-embarrassing) I am a 100G disk

Next we need to set up many partitions (mount points) (/boot,/,home, swap space, /usr, etc.)

The first point is to set the boot mount point (very important). The reference information is as follows. The mount point is used to store the system boot. The size is about 200MB. I divided it into 1024MB. It can be selected as a primary partition or a logical partition.

The second point is to set up the swap space. To put it bluntly, the space between the hard disk and the memory is the meaning of virtual memory. Set to 2 times the maximum memory size. I divided it into 4098MB. It can be selected as a primary partition or a logical partition.

Set the mount point of "/ ", the size is up to you, the default directory is about 8GB, and 50GB is 10-15G
100 G's I gave him 20G

All other spaces are given to home

To install the boot loader, select the sda number corresponding to /boot, and then click the install now button below (very important)
Click to continue. The formatting of the dual system here will not affect the things in windows, because the partition is used here.

D: Enter your own location to configure the time zone.

E: The keyboard layout is OK by default.

F: Enter account information and password.

G: Next download the update and install it automatically.

H: Restart after the installation is complete.

After restarting the computer, you will find that there is no chance for you to choose the system, but the windows system that is automatically entered by default. Haha, don’t panic. Your dual system has been installed successfully. There is only one step left. Baidu search easyBAD(http :// After downloading and installing, start.
Enter EasyBCD, select "Add new item", select Linux/BSD operating system, select the Linux partition that is close to /boot in the "Drive" column: (I divided 1024M, I chose 1023M, the picture is still stolen haha )

After selecting, click on the new entry, it will be ok, and then the "Guide Edit Menu" on the left can select the default startup system, the delay time (I set 10s)

Then restart the system to witness the miracle moment, the following two systems will appear for you to choose, 10s did not choose to enter the default system.

Next, feel the linux system haha

There are too many references. I also crossed the river by feeling the stones and experimented with my own hands. I thought it was difficult to get back to it. In fact, it’s still very simple step by step. Haha, I succeeded once, good luck to everyone~
Copyright statement: This article is the original article of the CSDN blogger "Programmer Loves Yogurt (QuellanAn)". It follows the CC 4.0 BY-SA copyright agreement. Please attach the original source link and this statement for reprinting.
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