Win10 install Linux ubuntu-18.04 dual system (installation guide)

I installed a Linux ubuntu system on my computer. For the first installation, record each step. The following is the installation process:

Step 1: Download the ubuntu image file

ubuntu- 18.04.0 image file download

Link: Extraction code: i7qg

Step 2: Partition

Right click on My Computer and click Manage

Click Disk Management

Choose a disk to compress, generally about 100G is enough

After the completion, there will be an unallocated space, do not care about it

Step 3: Make a boot disk

Prepare a USB flash drive and insert it into the computer. All the contents in the USB flash drive will be deleted during use. Pay attention to backup

Install UItraISO

Click on the file to open the downloaded image file

Click start, write hard disk image

Click to write

Step 4: Set up BIOS

Different computer models have different entry methods. The specific entry method can be Baidu. My computer has a pinhole at the bottom left. You can enter by just prick

Change the enable behind Fastboot to disabled

Change enable behind secureboot to disabled

Step 5: enter the installation program

Enter boot, this different computer is also different, mine still has a pinhole,

Select the second U disk device to enter the installation program

Click install

Choose a language

carry on

Choose other options

Pay attention to click on the free space you set aside at the beginning, and click the plus sign in the lower left corner

Note that different partitions have different options

16384 MB

Primary partition

Space start position

/(Root directory)

2048 MB

Logical partition

Space start position


200 MB

Logical partition

Space start position


20480 MB

Logical partition

Space start position


All space left

Primary partition

Space start position


The partition is complete, click install now

Choose time zone

Wait a while

to sum up

The above is the Win10 installation Linux ubuntu-18.04 dual system introduced by the editor, I hope it will be helpful to you, if you have any questions, please leave me a message, and the editor will reply to you in time. Thank you very much for your support to the ZaLou.Cn website!
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