Compile FFMPEG source code under CentOS7

Compile FFMPEG source code under CentOS7###

1. Compile FFMpeg related materials under CentOs7##

Found an article about compiling FFMPEG source code under CentOS7, the address is: Compile FFmpeg on CentOS

You can follow along if necessary. In addition, the download of some decoding libraries x264, x265, libvpx and other software source code packages required to compile ffmpeg source code can be downloaded directly from, as shown in the following figure:

When installing software using source code in Linux, sometimes it is necessary to install the corresponding dependencies. It is very convenient to download the corresponding software source code from

2. Scripts to compile and install ffmpeg and related dependent libraries under CentOS7##

1、 Ready to work###

Before compiling and installing ffmpeg and related dependencies, you need to ensure that the following compilation tools are installed:

yum install autoconf automake bzip2 bzip2-devel cmake freetype-devel gcc gcc-c++ git libtool make mercurial pkgconfig zlib-devel

2、 One-click Shell compilation script

The compilation script is as follows:

# install required software package
# yum install autoconf automake bzip2 bzip2-devel cmake freetype-devel gcc gcc-c++ git libtool make mercurial pkgconfig zlib-devel

mkdir ~/ffmpeg_sources


# build and install nasm
# An assembler used by some libraries. Highly recommended or your resulting build may be very slow.
cd ~/ffmpeg_sources
curl -O -L
tar xjvf nasm-2.14.02.tar.bz2
cd nasm-2.14.02./
. /configure --prefix="$INSTALL_PATH"--bindir="$INSTALL_PATH/bin"
make install

# build and install Yasm
# An assembler used by some libraries. Highly recommended or your resulting build may be very slow.
cd ~/ffmpeg_sources
curl -O -L
tar xzvf yasm-1.3.0.tar.gz
cd yasm-1.3.0./configure --prefix="$INSTALL_PATH"--bindir="$INSTALL_PATH/bin"
make install

# build and install libx264
# H.264 video encoder. See the H.264 Encoding Guide for more information and usage examples.
# Requires ffmpeg to be configured with--enable-gpl --enable-libx264.
cd ~/ffmpeg_sources
git clone --depth 1
curl -O -L
xz -d x264-20200819.tar.xz
tar -xvf x264-20200819.tar
mv x264-20200819 x264
cd x264
PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$INSTALL_PATH/lib/pkgconfig"./configure --prefix="$INSTALL_PATH"--bindir="$INSTALL_PATH/bin"--enable-static
make install

# build and install libx265
# H.265/HEVC video encoder. See the H.265 Encoding Guide for more information and usage examples.
# Requires ffmpeg to be configured with--enable-gpl --enable-libx265.
cd ~/ffmpeg_sources
# hg clone
curl -O -L
tar -xzvf x265_3.4.tar.gz
mv x265_3.4 x265
cd ~/ffmpeg_sources/x265/build/linux
cmake -G "Unix Makefiles"-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="$INSTALL_PATH"-DENABLE_SHARED:bool=off ../../source
make install

# build and install libfdk_aac
# AAC audio encoder. See the AAC Audio Encoding Guide for more information and usage examples.
# Requires ffmpeg to be configured with--enable-libfdk_aac(and --enable-nonfree if you also included --enable-gpl).
cd ~/ffmpeg_sources
git clone --depth 1
cd fdk-aac
autoreconf -fiv
. /configure --prefix="$INSTALL_PATH"--disable-shared
make install

# build and install libmp3lame
# MP3 audio encoder.
# Requires ffmpeg to be configured with--enable-libmp3lame.
cd ~/ffmpeg_sources
curl -O -L
tar xzvf lame-3.100.tar.gz
cd lame-3.100./configure --prefix="$INSTALL_PATH"--bindir="$INSTALL_PATH/bin"--disable-shared --enable-nasm
make install

# build and install libopus
# Opus audio decoder and encoder.
# Requires ffmpeg to be configured with--enable-libopus.
cd ~/ffmpeg_sources
curl -O -L
tar xzvf opus-1.3.1.tar.gz
cd opus-1.3.1./configure --prefix="$INSTALL_PATH"--disable-shared
make install

# libvpx
# VP8/VP9 video encoder and decoder. See the VP9 Video Encoding Guide for more information and usage examples.
# Requires ffmpeg to be configured with--enable-libvpx.
cd ~/ffmpeg_sources
# git clone --depth 1
curl -O -L
tar xzvf libvpx-1.9.0.tar.gz
cd libvpx-1.9.0./configure --prefix="$INSTALL_PATH"--disable-examples --disable-unit-tests --enable-vp9-highbitdepth --as=yasm
make install

# build and install FFmpeg
cd ~/ffmpeg_sources
curl -O -L
tar xjvf ffmpeg-snapshot.tar.bz2
cd ffmpeg
PATH="$INSTALL_PATH/bin:$PATH" PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$INSTALL_PATH/lib/pkgconfig"./configure \
 - - prefix="$INSTALL_PATH" \
 - - pkg-config-flags="--static" \
 - - extra-cflags="-I$INSTALL_PATH/include" \
 - - extra-ldflags="-L$INSTALL_PATH/lib" \
 - - extra-libs=-lpthread \
 - - extra-libs=-lm \
 - - bindir="$INSTALL_PATH/bin" \
 - - enable-gpl \
 - - enable-libfdk_aac \
 - - enable-libfreetype \
 - - enable-libmp3lame \
 - - enable-libopus \
 - - enable-libvpx \
 - - enable-libx264 \
 - - enable-libx265 \
 - - enable-nonfree
make install
hash -d ffmpeg

3、 Execute the script

Before executing the script, you need to ensure that you use the root account or super account permissions, and then add executable permissions to

chmod +x

Finally, execute the script


Three, reference materials##

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