Install mysql5.1 under CentOS6.5


  1. Brand new Tencent cloud server centos6.5


  1. Check whether the mysql database has been installed on the server
rpm -qa | grep mysql

My server comes with mysql, now I uninstall it

  1. Uninstall the mysql database in the original system
 rpm -e   mysql-libs-5.1.73-8.el6_8.x86_64;//Generally delete, if you are prompted to rely on other files, you cannot delete
 rpm -e  --nodeps mysql-libs-5.1.73-8.el6_8.x86_64;//Delete forcefully, if there are other dependent files, you can delete them forcefully

  1. Install mysql through yum
yum install -y mysql-server mysql mysql-devel  //Mysql,mysql-server,mysql-devel


  1. Start mysql service
service mysqld start

  1. Auto start at boot
chkconfig --list  | grep mysqld //Check whether to automatically start mysql at boot

From the screenshot above, you can know that the automatic startup of the mysql database service is turned off

chkconfig  mysqld on //turn on

  1. Change the initial password
mysqladmin -u root  password 'r'

You're done####

mysql Chinese encoding problem in centos####

Chinese coding problem, click me

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