Install Jenkins under Centos 7

Introduction to Jenkins#

Jenkins is an open source platform that supports tasks such as automated construction and deployment. Basically, it can be said that it is an indispensable tool for continuous integration (CI) and continuous release (CD).

Install Java environment#

CentOS 7 install JAVA environment (JDK 1.8)

Install Git

yum install git

Install Maven#

yum install maven

Install Jenkins#

yum install jenkins

Modify the jenkins startup script

vi /etc/init.d/jenkins

Modify candidates to add java optional path:


Start Jenkins and set Jenkins to boot

# Reload service (make the modified Jenkins startup script take effect)
systemctl daemon-reload

# Start the Jenkins service
systemctl start jenkins

# Start the Jenkins service
systemctl stop jenkins

# Set the Jenkins service to start on boot
# Since Jenkins is not a Native Service, you need to use the chkconfig command instead of the systemctl command
sudo /sbin/chkconfig jenkins on

Jenkins initialization#

Query Jenkins default password
cat /var/lib/jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPassword

After entering the password, install the recommended plugin

Add admin user

Configure Jenkins URL

Start using Jenkins

Start Jenkins

service jenkins start

Shut down Jenkins

service jenkins stop

Query the Jenkins installation path

whereis jenkins

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