Install CentOS under VMware

centos cover image

1. Software and hardware preparation#

1 Centos mirror preparation##

1.1 CentOS mirror download address###

[ Download address)(

1.2 CentOS mirror download process###

centos download picture 1

centos download image 2

centos download image 3

2 VMware Preparation##

2.1 VMware virtual hardware device###

virtual machine diagram

Installation process diagram 1

Installation process diagram 2

Installation process Figure 3

Installation process Figure 4

Installation process Figure 5

Installation process Figure 6

Installation process diagram 7

Installation process Figure 8

Installation process diagram 9

Installation process Figure 10

Installation process Figure 11

Installation process Figure 12

Installation process Figure 13

Installation process Figure 14

Installation process Figure 15

Installation process diagram 16

Open the virtual machine diagram

Second, the installation and configuration of Centos8#

2 installation steps##

2.1 Start the image, select the analysis when starting the CD

At this time, we can choose Test this media & install CentOS Linux 8.0.1905 for the first installation, or choose Install CentOS Linux 8.0 1905 to install directly. The second option will take a bit longer and the ISO image detection is required.

start installation diagram

Analysis of options in the figure:

Install CentOS Linux 8.0 1905: to install

Test this media & install CentOS Linux 8.0.1905: Test the installation for CD detection, test whether the CD has bad tracks, scratches, etc. (iso image detection), select this option during the first installation


2.2 start installation##

Generally there will be a unified configuration interface, we can perform some of the configurations in the figure below, the keyboard layout is generally not changed; language setting; need to set time zone and date time; software installation Type; System partition settings and network configuration.

centos installation and configuration interface diagram

2.2.1 System language###

After some time of waiting, when the system shows the following picture, it means entering the system installation configuration. The picture below shows the selection of the system language. Generally, we choose Englist and click Continue.

system language setting diagram

2.2.2 Time zone and date time###

Let’s set up the time zone and date and time. At this time, we need to select Asia and select shanghai. The time and date in the figure below are configured according to their current time. After configuration, select Done to return to the system configuration interface.

time zone selection map

2.2.3 System software installation###

Next, proceed to system software installation, here I choose the minimal installation Minimal Install, or choose Server with GUI graphically, click Done to return to the configuration interface.

software installation options

2.2.4 System partition operation###

Partition Map 1

Partition rule map

Partition Map 1

Example image of partition mount point

2.2.5 Network editing of virtual machines###

virtual network configuration diagram

virtual network configuration 1

Virtual Network Configuration 2

2.2.6 Network configuration###

Now proceed to Network configuration, set the network name according to the description in the figure, and click Done to return to the configuration interface.

Network configuration

2.2.7 start installation###

After completing the above configuration, back to the configuration interface, we can install the system, click Begin Installation to start the installation.

to start the installation

2.2.8 Configure root password and customize common user name and password###

While waiting for the installation, we can configure the password of the root account, and select the first option in the figure below to configure the password.

User name and password registration

Fill in the password

At the same time, it can also be edited by ordinary users. Once again, we will not do the demonstration. You can configure it if necessary. Then wait for the installation to restart.

Three, summary#

So far, we have completed the installation of the Centos system under VMware. If there is something wrong, please contact us by private message, thanks!

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