Install Redis Sentinel on CentOS6 Single Node

Introduction to Redis Sentinel Mode#

Redis-Sentinel is an officially recommended high-availability solution. When redis is doing a master-slave high-availability solution, if the master is down, redis itself (and many of its clients) have not realized automatic processing Active/standby switching, and redis-sentinel itself is also an independent process, which can be deployed in other machines that can communicate with the redis cluster to monitor the redis cluster

1、 From time to time, monitor whether redis is running as expected;
2、 If it is found that a redis node is running, it can notify another process (such as its client);
3、 Able to switch automatically. When a master node is not available, one of multiple slaves (if there is more than one slave) of the master can be elected as the new master, and the other slave nodes will change the address of the master it follows to be promoted to The new address of the master's slave.
4、 The sentry provides service discovery for the client. The client connects to the sentry. The sentry provides the address of the current master and then provides services. If there is a switch, that is, the master hangs up, the sentry will provide the client with a new address.

Redis Sentinel installation# CentOS6.9

Install Redis


CentOS6 single node installation of Redis Sentinel

virsh attach-disk kvm-6 /dev/vg_shkvm3/kvm-6-data vdb –driver qemu –mode shareable

wget -P /usr/local/src
tar xvf redis-3.2.8.tar.gz -C /usr/local/
cd /usr/local/
ln -sv redis-3.2.8 redis
echo 512>/proc/sys/net/core/somaxconn
sysctl vm.overcommit_memory=1
yum groupinstall -y "Development Tools"
yum -y install tcl #Install tcl dependencies to prevent make test errors

1 , Run make test with only single core:
taskset -c 1 sudo make test
2 , Change the tests/integration/replication-psync.tcl file:
vi tests/integration/replication-psync.tcl
Change the number after after in the code corresponding to the error from 100 to 500. I personally think that this parameter seems to be the number of milliseconds to wait.

cd redis && make && make test
mkdir -pv /data/redis-sentinel/{9000,9001,9002}
cp src/{redis-server,redis-sentinel}/data/redis-sentinel/9000/
cp src/{redis-server,redis-sentinel}/data/redis-sentinel/9001/
cp src/{redis-server,redis-sentinel}/data/redis-sentinel/9002/
cp redis.conf sentinel.conf /data/redis-sentinel/9000/
cp redis.conf sentinel.conf /data/redis-sentinel/9001/
cp redis.conf sentinel.conf /data/redis-sentinel/9002/
# vim /data/redis-sentinel/9000/redis.conf
bind no
port 9000
daemonize yes
appendonly yes
# \ cp /data/redis-sentinel/9000/redis.conf /data/redis-sentinel/9001/redis.conf
# \ cp /data/redis-sentinel/9000/redis.conf /data/redis-sentinel/9002/redis.conf

sed -i 's/9000/9001/g'/data/redis-sentinel/9001/redis.conf
# vim /data/redis-sentinel/9001/redis.conf
port 9001

# vim /data/redis-sentinel/9002/redis.conf
sed -i 's/9000/9002/g'/data/redis-sentinel/9002/redis.conf
port 9002
# cd /data/redis-sentinel/9000/
# . /redis-server redis.conf

# cd ../9001/
# . /redis-server redis.conf

# cd ../9002/
# . /redis-server redis.conf

# ps -ef | grep redis
root      42181017:03?00:00:00./redis-server
root      42381017:03?00:00:00./redis-server
root      42521017:03?00:00:00./redis-server
# /usr/local/redis/src/redis-cli -h 9000192.168.0.106:9000>set name aniu
OK> get name
" aniu"> info replication
# Replication> info replication
# Replication

Deploy sentinel

# cd /data/redis-sentinel/9000
# vim sentinel.conf
protected-mode no
port 29000
daemonize yes
dir /data/redis-sentinel/9000/logs
sentinel monitor mymaster
# mkdir logs
# . /redis-sentinel sentinel.conf

# \ cp sentinel.conf ../9001/
# \ cp sentinel.conf ../9002/
# cd ../9001/
port 29001
dir "/data/redis-sentinel/9001/logs"
# mkdir logs
# . /redis-sentinel sentinel.conf

- Deploy sentinel 3

# cd ../9002/
# vim sentinel.conf
port 29002
dir "/data/redis-sentinel/9002/logs"
# mkdir logs
# . /redis-sentinel sentinel.conf
# /usr/local/redis/src/redis-cli -h 29000[root@sh-kvm-3-69002]# /usr/local/redis/src/redis-cli -h 29000192.168.0.106:29000> sentinel masters
1)1)" name"2)"mymaster"3)"ip"4)""5)"port"6)"9000"7)"runid"8)"03427a4cd4f22401f55d07952424ba4b31144b57"9)"flags"10)"master"11)"link-pending-commands"12)"0"13)"link-refcount"14)"1"15)"last-ping-sent"16)"0"17)"last-ok-ping-reply"18)"542"19)"last-ping-reply"20)"542"21)"down-after-milliseconds"22)"30000"23)"info-refresh"24)"3335"25)"role-reported"26)"master"27)"role-reported-time"28)"515500"29)"config-epoch"30)"0"31)"num-slaves"32)"2"33)"num-other-sentinels"34)"0"35)"quorum"36)"2"37)"failover-timeout"38)"180000"39)"parallel-syncs"40)"1"> sentinel slaves mymaster
1)1)" name"2)""3)"ip"4)""5)"port"6)"9002"7)"runid"8)"42ec153d250bf9aff05765346e0fdc2ee33d1257"9)"flags"10)"slave"11)"link-pending-commands"12)"0"13)"link-refcount"14)"1"15)"last-ping-sent"16)"0"17)"last-ok-ping-reply"18)"510"19)"last-ping-reply"20)"510"21)"down-after-milliseconds"22)"30000"23)"info-refresh"24)"6271"25)"role-reported"26)"slave"27)"role-reported-time"28)"548469"29)"master-link-down-time"30)"0"31)"master-link-status"32)"ok"33)"master-host"34)""35)"master-port"36)"9000"37)"slave-priority"38)"100"39)"slave-repl-offset"40)"57920"2)1)"name"2)""3)"ip"4)""5)"port"6)"9001"7)"runid"8)"afdc283bae3f48fb0ceb6f8dd9af8248928406ec"9)"flags"10)"slave"11)"link-pending-commands"12)"0"13)"link-refcount"14)"1"15)"last-ping-sent"16)"0"17)"last-ok-ping-reply"18)"510"19)"last-ping-reply"20)"510"21)"down-after-milliseconds"22)"30000"23)"info-refresh"24)"6271"25)"role-reported"26)"slave"27)"role-reported-time"28)"548486"29)"master-link-down-time"30)"0"31)"master-link-status"32)"ok"33)"master-host"34)""35)"master-port"36)"9000"37)"slave-priority"38)"100"39)"slave-repl-offset"40)"57920"

Using sentry in jedis##

Redis common security settings##

requirepass yourpassword
rename-command FLUSHALL ""
rename-command FLUSHDB ""
rename-command KEYS ""

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