CentOS 7 Redis 5.0.8 sentinel mode configuration

Prepare three virtual machines CentOS 7 environment, and then download the redis-5.0.8 installation package, I put it in the /opt directory

wget https://github.com/redis/redis/archive/5.0.8.tar.gz


tar -xzvf redis-5.0.8.tar.gz

For the redis installation process of each virtual machine, please refer to my previous article

1. Three virtual machines master) port 6379 slave) port 6379 slave) port 6379 ( sentinel) port 26379 ( sentinel) port 26379 ( sentinel) port 26379

2. Edit redis configuration file

# bind out this line protected-mode no     //Turn off protection mode
requirepass 10010//Set redis password,If you set a password,Three redis instances must set the same password

3. Edit sentinel.conf configuration file

daemonize yes    //Start the daemon
sentinel monitor mymaster
sentinel auth-pass mymaster 10010

4. Start in order

Start the master redis instance --> start the replicaof redis instance --> start three sentinel instances

systemctl start redisd
. /src/redis-sentinel sentinel.conf

5. Test failover

. /src/redis-cli -a 10010-p 6379 DEBUG sleep 40

Execute the above command on the master, and after 40 seconds, observe whether the master is changed to another instance

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