[Introduction to redis] Install redis under Centos

Material preparation##

First of all, I personally recommend centos for the installation platform. I have tried both Fedora and Ubuntu but failed to install. It should be because of my poor technology.
Centos recommends installing the latest.

Installation platform preparation: see this for details

Then go to the redis official website to download a redis, and use the latest version 6.0.
If you don’t want to move, then I’m ready here too.
Extraction code: w6ms

Say in front

If there are warnings during compilation, that's okay.
If there is an error in the compilation process, you have to find out if something is missing.
Not that, my Centos is the latest installation, there is no configuration, even gcc is temporarily installed.

Compile redis

1、 Install C++ Environment###

If you are new to Centos, you still need to install the gcc environment.

yum install gcc-c++

2、 Put the downloaded installation package on Centos###

See the link above for details, if you read it.

3、 Unzip###

tar -zxvf redis-6.0.6.tar.gz

4、 Copy the compressed file to /usr/local/src###

cp -r redis-6.0.6/usr/local/src/redis

5、 Open /usr/local/src/redis/deps to compile dependencies###

cd /usr/local/src/redis/deps
make hiredis lua jemalloc linenoise

6、 Open /usr/local/src/redis to compile###

cd /usr/local/src/redis

7、 Install the redis directory above into /usr/local/redis###

mkdir /usr/local/redis
make install PREFIX=/usr/local/redis

8、 Enter /usr/local/redis/bin

Go in and you will see a bunch of files.

9、 Move the configuration file to the /root/myredis directory###

Catalog customization.

mkdir /root/myredis
cp /usr/redis/local/redis/redis.conf /root/myredis

10、 Start the redis server###

cd /usr/local/redis/bin
. /redis-server /root/myredis/redis.conf

11、 Start the redis client###

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