CentOS Discovery Road 2---Use rpm to install JDK

Install jdk using rpm

​ In the previous Linux exploration article http://www.cnblogs.com/Kidezyq/p/8782728.html, there is a command to install native OpenJDK through the yum instruction. At that time, a great god gave a comment, suggesting that it is best to install sun's JDK. I searched the Internet for the difference between JDK and OpenJDK, and it can be generally considered that OpenJDK is a simplified version of JDK. The specific difference can refer to this knowing question: https://www.zhihu.com/question/19646618

​ Not much to say, here is the process of re-installing sun's JDK using rpm after installing OpenJDK:

export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jdk1.8.0_171-amd64 export CLASSPATH=.:JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/rt.jar:JAVA_HOME/lib/dt.jar:JAVA_HOME/lib/tools.jar export PATH=JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH


1. Related parameter description of rpm command:
 - a: Query all packages;
- b<Completion stage><Package file>+or-t <Completion stage><Package file>+:设置包装套件的Completion stage,并指定Package file的文件名称;
- c: Only configuration configuration files are listed, this parameter needs to cooperate"-l"Parameter usage;
- d: Only text files are listed, this parameter needs to cooperate"-l"Parameter usage;
- e<Package file>or--erase<Package file>: Delete the specified package;
- f<file>+:查询拥有指定file的套件;
- h or--hash: List the tags when the kit is installed;
- i: Display related information of the kit;
- i<Package file>or--install<Package file>:安装指定的Package file;
- l: Display the file list of the suite;
- p<Package file>+:查询指定的RPMPackage file;
- q: Use the query mode, when encountering any problems, the rpm command will first ask the user;
- R: Display the relevance information of the kit;
- s: display the file status, this parameter needs to cooperate"-l"Parameter usage;
- U<Package file>or--upgrade<Package file>:升级指定的Package file;
- v: Display the execution process of instructions;
- vv: Display the instruction execution process in detail for easy troubleshooting.

2. How to find the path where the rpm installation software is located:
a.First pass`rpm -qa|grep jdk`Find the jdk installed via rpm
b.Pass again`rpm -ql XXX`Find it

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