CentOS install jdk

Install jdk

Install jdk automatically (cannot modify the installation path)

The first step, use the yum -y list java\* command to query the version of jdk to be installed;

The second step, use the yum install -y java-1.8.0-openjdk.x86\_64 command to download and install jdk;

The third step, use java -version to check whether the installation is successful, output version information means that java has been installed by default in the usr/lib/jvm/ directory.

Install jdk manually (configure the installation path manually)

The first step, click here, log in oracle to get the information of each version of jdk1.8, then enter the /usr/local/soft/ directory, and execute the wget download link command in it, or yes Download to windows first, upload to the directory of CentOS via xftp, and then use the tar -zxvf jdk-8u241-linux-x64.tar.gz command to decompress;

The second step, use the vi /etc/profile command to open the configuration file and enter the following information at the bottom:

export JAVA\_HOME=/usr/local/soft/jdk1.8.0\_241


The third step, use the source /etc/profile command to activate the configuration information, and then use the java -version to check whether the installation is successful. The output version information means that java has been installed in /usr/local/soft /jdk1.8.0\_241 directory.

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