Configure iSCSI network storage under CentOS 7.x

  Copyright statement: This article is an original article by Shaon Puppet. Please indicate the original address for reprinting. Thank you very much.

1. Introduction to iSCSI##

Two, experimental environment##

Operating system: CentOS Linux release 7.2.1511 (Core)
iSCSI Target: /
iSCSI Initiator: /
The firewall is closed/iptables: Firewall is not running.
SELINUX is disabled: SELINUX=disabled

Three, configure iSCSI Target

# Enter the management console
[ root@vdevops ~]# targetcli
Warning: Could not load preferences file /root/.targetcli/prefs.bin.
targetcli shell version 2.1.fb41
Copyright 2011-2013 by Datera, Inc and others.
For help on commands, type 'help'.
# in/iscsi_disks/disk01.Use 2G to create a disk image named "disk01" on img
/> cd backstores/fileio 
/backstores/fileio> create disk01 /iscsi_disks/disk01.img 2G
Created fileio disk01 with size 2147483648/backstores/fileio> cd /iscsi 
# Create goals
/iscsi> create
Created target
Created TPG 1.
Global pref auto_add_default_portal=true
Created default portal listening on all IPs(, port 3260./iscsi> cd 
# Set up luns
/iscsi/iqn.20...t00/tpg1/luns> create /backstores/fileio/disk01 
Created LUN 0./iscsi/iqn.20...t00/tpg1/luns> cd ../acls 
/iscsi/iqn.20...t00/tpg1/acls> create
Created Node ACL for
Created mapped LUN 0.
# Set ACL (it is the IQN of the initiator that is allowed to connect)
/iscsi/iqn.20...t00/tpg1/acls> cd
# Set UserID for authentication
/iscsi/>set auth userid=username
Parameter userid is now 'username'./iscsi/>set auth password=password
Parameter password is now 'password'./iscsi/> exit
Global pref auto_save_on_exit=true
Last 10 configs saved in/etc/target/backup.
Configuration saved to /etc/target/saveconfig.json
[ root@vdevops ~]# ss -napt | grep 3260
LISTEN     0256*:3260*:*[root@vdevops ~]# systemctl enable target
Created symlink from/etc/systemd/system/ to /usr/lib/systemd/system/target.service.[root@vdevops ~]# firewall-cmd --add-service=iscsi-target --permanent
[ root@vdevops ~]# firewall-cmd --reload
[1] Install scsi-target-utils.
# Install using EPEL source
[ root@vdevops ~]# yum --enablerepo=epel -y install scsi-target-utils 
[2] Configure the iSCSI target.
For example, in[/ iscsi_disks]Create a disk image under the directory and set it as a shared disk.
# Create a hard disk image
[ root@vdevops ~]# mkdir /iscsi_disks   #No need to recreate
[ root@vdevops ~]# dd if=/dev/zero of=/iscsi_disks/disk01.img count=0 bs=1 seek=2G  #No need to recreate
[ root@vdevops iscsi_disks]# vi /etc/tgt/targets.conf 
< target>
 # provided devicce as a iSCSI target
 backing-store /iscsi_disks/disk01.img
 # iSCSI Initiator's IP address you allow to connect
 # authentication info(set anyone you like for"username","password")
 incominguser username password
< /target>[3]If SElinux is enabled,Change SElinux type.[root@vdevops ~]# chcon -R -t tgtd_var_lib_t /iscsi_disks
[ root@vdevops ~]# semanage fcontext -a -t tgtd_var_lib_t /iscsi_disks
[4] If the firewall is enabled, allow iSCSI Target service
[ root@vdevops ~]# firewall-cmd --add-service=iscsi-target --permanent
[ root@vdevops ~]# firewall-cmd --reload
[ root@vdevops ~]# systemctl start tgtd
[ root@vdevops ~]# systemctl status tgtd
● tgtd.service - tgtd iSCSI target daemon
 Loaded:loaded(/usr/lib/systemd/system/tgtd.service; disabled; vendor preset: disabled)
 Active:active(running) since Mon 2016-10-3120:46:10 CST; 7s ago
 Process:2860 ExecStartPost=/usr/sbin/tgtadm --op update --mode sys --name State -v ready(code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
 Process:2830 ExecStartPost=/usr/sbin/tgt-admin -e -c $TGTD_CONFIG(code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
 Process:2829 ExecStartPost=/usr/sbin/tgtadm --op update --mode sys --name State -v offline(code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
 Process:2828 ExecStartPost=/bin/sleep 5(code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
 Main PID:2827(tgtd)
   └─2827/usr/sbin/tgtd -f

Oct 3120:46:04 systemd[1]: Starting tgtd iSCSI target daemon...
Oct 3120:46:04 tgtd[2827]: tgtd:iscsi_tcp_init_portal(347) unable to bind server socket, Address already in use
Oct 3120:46:04 tgtd[2827]: tgtd:iser_ib_init(3436) Failed to initialize RDMA; load kernel modules?
Oct 3120:46:04 tgtd[2827]: tgtd:work_timer_start(146) use timer_fd based scheduler
Oct 3120:46:04 tgtd[2827]: tgtd:bs_init_signalfd(267) could not open backing-store module directory /usr/lib64/tgt/backing-store
Oct 3120:46:04 tgtd[2827]: tgtd:bs_init(386) use signalfd notification
Oct 3120:46:10 tgtd[2827]: tgtd:device_mgmt(246) sz:29 params:path=/iscsi_disks/disk01.img
Oct 3120:46:10 tgtd[2827]: tgtd:bs_thread_open(408)16
Oct 3120:46:10 systemd[1]: Started tgtd iSCSI target daemon.
Hint: Some lines were ellipsized, use -l to show in full.[root@vdevops ~]# systemctl enable tgtd
Created symlink from/etc/systemd/system/ to /usr/lib/systemd/system/tgtd.service.
# Check status
[ root@vdevops ~]# tgtadm --mode target --op show
Target 1:
 System information:
  Driver: iscsi
  State: ready
 I_T nexus information:
 LUN information:
   Type: controller
   SCSI ID: IET     00010000
   SCSI SN: beaf10
   Size:0 MB, Block size:1
   Online: Yes
   Removable media: No
   Prevent removal: No
   Readonly: No
   SWP: No
   Thin-provisioning: No
   Backing store type:null
   Backing store path: None
   Backing store flags: 
   Type: disk
   SCSI ID: IET     00010001
   SCSI SN: beaf11
   Size:2147 MB, Block size:512
   Online: Yes
   Removable media: No
   Prevent removal: No
   Readonly: No
   SWP: No
   Thin-provisioning: No
   Backing store type: rdwr
   Backing store path:/iscsi_disks/disk01.img
   Backing store flags: 
 Account information:
 ACL information:
# Install iscsi using EPEL-initiator-utils
[ root@linuxprobe ~]# yum -y install iscsi-initiator-utils 
[ root@linuxprobe ~]# vi /etc/iscsi/initiatorname.iscsi
# change to the same IQN you set on the iSCSI target server
[ root@linuxprobe ~]# vi /etc/iscsi/iscsid.conf
# line 57:Uncomment
node.session.auth.authmethod = CHAP
# line 61,62:Uncomment and specify the username and password you set on the iSCSI target server
node.session.auth.username = username
node.session.auth.password = password
# Found target
[ root@linuxprobe ~]# iscsiadm -m discovery -t sendtargets -p,1
[ root@linuxprobe ~]# iscsiadm -m node -o show
node.tpgt =1
node.startup = automatic
node.leading_login = No
node.conn[0].iscsi.MaxXmitDataSegmentLength =0
node.conn[0].iscsi.MaxRecvDataSegmentLength =262144
node.conn[0].iscsi.HeaderDigest = None
node.conn[0].iscsi.IFMarker = No
node.conn[0].iscsi.OFMarker = No
# Login target
[ root@linuxprobe ~]# iscsiadm -m node --login
Logging in to [iface:default, target:, portal:,3260](multiple)
Login to [iface:default, target:, portal:,3260] successful.
# Confirm connection status
[ root@linuxprobe ~]# iscsiadm -m session -o show
# Confirm partition status
[ root@linuxprobe ~]# cat /proc/partitions
major minor  #blocks  name

 204 fd0
 8020971520 sda
 81512000 sda1
 8220458496 sda2
 1104228096 sr0
 253018317312 dm-025312097152 dm-18162097152 sdb
 # The new device added from the target server is &quot;sdb&quot;
# Create label
[ root@linuxprobe ~]# parted --script /dev/sdb "mklabel msdos"
# Create partition
[ root@linuxprobe ~]# parted --script /dev/sdb "mkpart primary 0% 100%"
# Format partition
[ root@linuxprobe ~]# mkfs.xfs -i size=1024-s size=4096/dev/sdb1
meta-data=/dev/sdb1              isize=1024   agcount=4, agsize=130560 blks
   =      sectsz=4096  attr=2, projid32bit=1=                       crc=0        finobt=0
data     =                       bsize=4096   blocks=522240, imaxpct=25=                       sunit=0      swidth=0 blks
naming   =version 2              bsize=4096   ascii-ci=0 ftype=0
log      =internal log           bsize=4096   blocks=2560, version=2=                       sectsz=4096  sunit=1 blks, lazy-count=1
realtime =none                   extsz=4096   blocks=0, rtextents=0
# Mount partition
[ root@linuxprobe ~]# mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/
# View system mount
[ root@linuxprobe ~]# df -hT
Filesystem              Type      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/mapper/centos-root xfs        18G  1.9G   16G  11% /
devtmpfs                devtmpfs  483M     0  483M   0%/dev
tmpfs                   tmpfs     493M     0  493M   0%/dev/shm
tmpfs                   tmpfs     493M  6.7M  487M   2%/run
tmpfs                   tmpfs     493M     0  493M   0%/sys/fs/cgroup
/dev/sda1               xfs       497M  125M  373M  26%/boot
tmpfs                   tmpfs      99M     0   99M   0%/run/user/0**/dev/sdb1               xfs       2.0G   33M  2.0G   2%/mnt**

At this point, we can see that the ISCSI configuration is complete and can be used normally.

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