Python image recognition OCR

Article Directory###

Python image recognition OCR

#1 demand##

#2 surroundings##

macOS / Linux

#3 installation##

#3.1 macOS

  1. Install tesseract
//Only install tesseract, do not install training tools
brew install tesseract
//Install the training tool while installing tesseract
brew install --with-training-tools tesseract
//When installing tesseract, install all languages at the same time. The language pack is relatively large. If it takes a long time to install, it is recommended not to install it. Choose according to your needs
brew install  --all-languages tesseract
//Install tesseract, and install training tools and languages
brew install --all-languages --with-training-tools tesseract 
  1. Download language pack


I installed the Chinese language pack here

Chinese language pack:

Then copy the downloaded Chinese language pack to the following path:


  1. View local language pack
tesseract --list-langs

#3.2 Linux(CentOS)

  1. Installation dependencies
yum install autoconf automake libtool libjpeg-devel libpng-devel libtiff-devel zlib-devel
  1. Install leptonica

Download: wget

Unzip and install

tar -xzvf leptonica-1.74.4.tar.gz
cd leptonica-1.74.4.tar.gz
. /configure --profix=/usr/local/leptonica
sudo make install
  1. Install tesseract-ocr
cd tesseract-3.04/./configure
make && make install
sudo ldconfig

I installed the Chinese language pack here

Chinese language pack:

Then copy the downloaded Chinese language pack to the following path:


#4 use##

#4.1 python install pytesseract library###

pip install pytesseract
pip install Pillow

#4.2 Python code###

from PIL import Image
import pytesseract
# Specify the image path and recognized language
data = pytesseract.image_to_string('/Users/Documents/1.png'), lang='chi_sim')print(data)

#5 Online case##


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