Install java in yum mode in Centos

Check whether the JDK that comes with CentOS has been installed.
◆Input: yum list installed |grep java.

If there is a built-in JDK, how to uninstall the Java environment that comes with CentOS?
◆Uninstall JDK related files input: yum -y remove java-1.7.0-openjdk*.
◆Uninstall tzdata-java input: yum -y remove tzdata-java.noarch.
When the result is displayed as Complete! The uninstallation is complete.
Note: "*" means to uninstall all openjdk related files of java 1.7.0.

Check whether the CentOS system network connection is normal.
◆Using yum method to install needs to connect to the network to download the corresponding Java installation files, so you need to use the ping command to test the network; for example, ping Baidu URL.

Check the Java installation package in the yum library.
◆Input: yum -y list java*.

[ root@beta-new1 www]# yum -y list java*
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile

Take java-1.7.0 in yum library as an example
Note: "" means to install all relevant Java programs of java-1.7.0.
[ root@beta-new1 www]# yum -y install java-1.7.0-openjdk

Check the version of Java just installed.
◆Enter: java -version to view the Java version;
◆Input: javac to view the usage of Java compiler commands

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