Tencent Cloud Centos7 install java server

Since I needed a java server on the external network, I used Tencent Cloud to build one. I built this only for learning, after all, the security is not high. Below is the process I built.

First, if you have not [registered Tencent Cloud Account] (https://cloud.tencent.com/act/cps/redirect?redirect=1040&cps_key=47783d44e3444c17b1d7f94099f3ee17&from=10680), you must first register and complete the real-name authentication. Before purchasing Tencent [Cloud Server] (https://cloud.tencent.com/act/cps/redirect?redirect=1014&cps_key=47783d44e3444c17b1d7f94099f3ee17&from=10680) and other cloud products, remember to receive (Voucher Gift Pack)

Install mysql database

yum install mysql mysql-devel mariadb-server mariadb –y

Start the database

systemctl start mariadb

Set database password

mysqladmin -u root password "password"

Configure mysql

Mysql configuration file is /etc/my.cnf

vim /etc/my.cnf

Add coding configuration at the end

#[ mysql]]default-character-set=utf8

Install JDK

Upload the new jdk-7-linux-x64.rpm software to /root, and perform the following operations:

rpm –ivh jdk-7-linux-x64.rpm

Configure environment variables

which java

ls –lrt /usr/java/default/bin/java

/usr/java/default ---- is the path of our java.

vim /etc/profile

Configure environment variables

export JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/defaultexport PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH
export CLASSPATH=.:$JAVA_HOME/lib/dt.jar:$JAVA_HOME/lib/tools.jar

Esc → :wq save

Environment effective

source /etc/profiel

Install Tomcat

tar –zxvf apache-tomcat-7.0.29.tar.gz

apache-tomcat-7.0.29 renamed tomcat

mv apache-tomcat-7.0.29 tomcat

Modify the default port 80

Open the tomcat configuration file

vi /tomcat/conf/server.xml

After opening the Tomcat configuration file, press/8080 to quickly retrieve

Modify the port, press i to change all 8080 to 80

Press: wq to save and exit

Restart tomcat

# /tomcat/bin/shutdown.sh
# /tomcat/bin/startup.sh

This completes the configuration of the java server of Tencent centos7 host.

If you need jdk or tomcat installation package, you can go to "centos7 build javaweb server tomcat" to download. I used it before.

Well, I should also do other things.

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