Python | So collections are so easy to use! !

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[Introduction]: Collections are containers that achieve specific goals to provide alternatives to Python's standard built-in containers dict, list, set, and tuple. In order to give everyone a better understanding, this article summarizes the relevant knowledge of collections in detail, let's learn together!

Collections module: A container that achieves a specific goal to provide alternatives to the Python standard built-in containers dict, list, set, and tuple.

Counter: A subclass of dictionary that provides the counting function of hashable objects.

defaultdict: A subclass of dictionary that provides a factory function to provide default values for dictionary queries.

OrderedDict: A subclass of dictionary that retains the order in which they were added.

namedtuple: A factory function for creating named tuple subclasses.

deque: Similar to a list container, which implements quick append and pop at both ends.

ChainMap: A dictionary-like container class that collects multiple maps into one view.


Counter is a subclass of dict, mainly used to count the frequency of objects you visit.

>>> import collections
>>> # Count the number of occurrences of characters
... collections.Counter('hello world')Counter({'l':3,'o':2,'h':1,'e':1,' ':1,'w':1,'r':1,'d':1})>>> #Count the number of words
... collections.Counter('hello world hello lucy'.split())Counter({'hello':2,'world':1,'lucy':1})

Common methods:

>>> c = collections.Counter('hello world hello lucy'.split())>>> c
Counter({'hello':2,'world':1,'lucy':1})>>> #Get the number of visits to the specified object, you can also use the get method
... c['hello']2>>> #View element
... list(c.elements())['hello','hello','world','lucy']>>> c1 = collections.Counter('hello world'.split())>>> c2 = collections.Counter('hello lucy'.split())>>> c1
Counter({'hello':1,'world':1})>>> c2
Counter({'hello':1,'lucy':1})>>> #Append objects,+Or c1.update(c2)... c1+c2
Counter({'hello':2,'world':1,'lucy':1})>>> #Reduce objects,-Or c1.subtract(c2)... c1-c2
Counter({'world':1})>>> #Clear
... c.clear()>>> c


Return a new dictionary-like object. defaultdict is a subclass of the built-in dict class.

class collections.defaultdict([default_factory[, ...]])

>>> d = collections.defaultdict()>>> d
defaultdict(None,{})>>> e = collections.defaultdict(str)>>> e


A typical usage of defaultdict is to use one of the built-in types (such as str, int, list, dict, etc.) as the default factory. These built-in types return an empty type when called without parameters.

>>> e = collections.defaultdict(str)>>> e
defaultdict(<class'str'>,{})>>> e['hello']''>>> e
defaultdict(<class'str'>,{'hello':''})>>> #An error is reported when a normal dictionary calls a key that does not exist
... e1 ={}>>> e1['hello']Traceback(most recent call last):
 File "<stdin>", line 1,in<module>

Use int as default_factory

>>> fruit = collections.defaultdict(int)>>> fruit['apple']=2>>> fruit
defaultdict(<class'int'>,{'apple':2})>>> fruit['banana']  #When there is no object, return 00>>> fruit

Use list as default_factory

>>> s =[('yellow',1),('blue',2),('yellow',3),('blue',4),('red',1)]>>> d = collections.defaultdict(list)>>>for k,v in s:...     d[k].append(v)...>>> d
defaultdict(<class'list'>,{'yellow':[1,3],'blue':[2,4],'red':[1]})>>> d.items()dict_items([('yellow',[1,3]),('blue',[2,4]),('red',[1])])>>>sorted(d.items())[('blue',[2,4]),('red',[1]),('yellow',[1,3])]

Use dict as default_factory

>>> nums = collections.defaultdict(dict)>>> nums[1]={'one':1}>>> nums
defaultdict(<class'dict'>,{1:{'one':1}})>>> nums[2]{}>>> nums

Use set as default_factory

>>> types = collections.defaultdict(set)>>> types['Cell phone'].add('Huawei')>>> types['Cell phone'].add('Xiaomi')>>> types['monitor'].add('AOC')>>> types
defaultdict(<class'set'>,{'Cell phone':{'Huawei','Xiaomi'},'monitor':{'AOC'}})


The order of the keys in the Python dictionary is arbitrary and they are not controlled by the order of addition.

The collections.OrderedDict class provides dictionary objects that preserve the order in which they are added.

>>> o = collections.OrderedDict()>>> o['k1']='v1'>>> o['k3']='v3'>>> o['k2']='v2'>>> o

If you add a new value to an existing key, the original key position will be retained, and then the value value will be overwritten.

>>> o['k1']=666>>> o


Three methods of defining named tuples: The first parameter is the constructor of the named tuple (as follows: Person1, Person2, Person3)

>>> P1 = collections.namedtuple('Person1',['name','age','height'])>>> P2 = collections.namedtuple('Person2','name,age,height')>>> P3 = collections.namedtuple('Person3','name age height')

Instantiate named tuples

>>> lucy =P1('lucy',23,180)>>> lucy
Person1(name='lucy', age=23, height=180)>>> jack =P2('jack',20,190)>>> jack
Person2(name='jack', age=20, height=190)>>>  #Pass instance name directly.Attribute to call
' lucy'>>> lucy.age


collections.deque returns a new two-way queue object, initialized from left to right (using the append() method), and created from iterable data. If iterable is not specified, the new queue is empty.

The collections.deque queue supports thread safety, and the complexity is O(1) for appending or popping from both ends.

Although the list object also supports similar operations, the overhead of fixed-length operations (pop(0), insert(0,v)) is optimized here.

If maxlen is not specified or is None, deque can grow to any length. Otherwise, the deque is limited to the specified maximum length. Once the deque with a limited length is full, when a new item is added, the same number of items are ejected from the other end.

Supported methods:

>>> d = collections.deque(maxlen=10)>>> d
deque([], maxlen=10)>>> d.extend('python')>>>[i.upper()for i in d]['P','Y','T','H','O','N']>>> d.append('e')>>> d.appendleft('f')>>> d.appendleft('g')>>> d.appendleft('h')>>> d
deque(['h','g','f','p','y','t','h','o','n','e'], maxlen=10)>>> d.appendleft('i')>>> d
deque(['i','h','g','f','p','y','t','h','o','n'], maxlen=10)>>> d.append('m')>>> d
deque(['h','g','f','p','y','t','h','o','n','m'], maxlen=10)


The background of the problem is that we have multiple dictionaries or mappings, and we want to merge them into a single mapping. Some people say that we can use update to merge. The problem with this is that a new data structure is created so that when we change the original dictionary Time will not sync. If you want to establish a synchronous query method, you can use ChainMap.

It can be used to merge two or more dictionaries, and when querying, query from front to back. Simple to use:

>>> d1 ={'apple':1,'banana':2}>>> d2 ={'orange':2,'apple':3,'pike':1}>>> combined1 = collections.ChainMap(d1,d2)>>> combined2 = collections.ChainMap(d2,d1)>>> combined1
ChainMap({'apple':1,'banana':2},{'orange':2,'apple':3,'pike':1})>>> combined2
ChainMap({'orange':2,'apple':3,'pike':1},{'apple':1,'banana':2})>>>for k,v in combined1.items():...print(k,v)...
orange 2
apple 1
pike 1
banana 2>>>for k,v in combined2.items():...print(k,v)...
apple 3
banana 2
orange 2
pike 1

One point to note is that when modifying ChainMap, only the first dictionary will always be modified. If the key does not exist in the first dictionary, it will be added.

>>> d1 ={'apple':1,'banana':2}>>> d2 ={'orange':2,'apple':3,'pike':1}>>> c = collections.ChainMap(d1,d2)>>> c
ChainMap({'apple':1,'banana':2},{'orange':2,'apple':3,'pike':1})>>> c['apple']1>>> c['apple']=2>>> c
ChainMap({'apple':2,'banana':2},{'orange':2,'apple':3,'pike':1})>>> c['pike']1>>> c['pike']=3>>> c

From the principle above, ChainMap actually stores the placed dictionary in a queue. When the dictionary is added or deleted, it will only be performed on the first dictionary. When the search is performed, it will be searched in turn, new_child() The method is essentially to put a dictionary before the first element of the list, the default is {}, and parents are the elements at the beginning of the list removed.

>>> a = collections.ChainMap()>>> a['x']=1>>> a
ChainMap({'x':1})>>> b = a.new_child()>>> b
ChainMap({},{'x':1})>>> b['x']=2>>> b
ChainMap({'x':2},{'x':1})>>> b['y']=3>>> b
ChainMap({'x':2,'y':3},{'x':1})>>> a
ChainMap({'x':1})>>> c = a.new_child()>>> c
ChainMap({},{'x':1})>>> c['x']=1>>> c['y']=1>>> c
ChainMap({'x':1,'y':1},{'x':1})>>> d = c.parents
>>> d
ChainMap({'x':1})>>> d is a
>>> d == a
>>> a ={'x':1,'z':3}>>> b ={'y':2,'z':4}>>> c = collections.ChainMap(a,b)>>> c
ChainMap({'x':1,'z':3},{'y':2,'z':4})>>> c.maps
[{' x':1,'z':3},{'y':2,'z':4}]>>> c.parents
ChainMap({'y':2,'z':4})>>> c.parents.maps
[{' y':2,'z':4}]>>> c.parents.parents
ChainMap({})>>> c.parents.parents.parents
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