It’s about 2 months before the release of Ubuntu 17.10. Before the official release, let’s take a look at what new features the new version of the system brings.
1. Desktop environment
Ubuntu 17.10 will replace the default Unity desktop with the Gnome desktop environment, and the final release of the Gnome desktop environment will be visible in the last beta system.
2. Login Manager
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17.10 The login manager will be changed from LightDM to GDM. Of course, you can still manually switch the default GDM back to LightDM, but pay attention to compatibility.
Three, display server
The new system display server will continue to provide support for Xorg session, and Wayland will be the default display server.
Four, video decoder support
Video acceleration will be improved in the new version of the system. [GPU] ( hardware acceleration is supported by default, and Intel GPU video decoding will be supported mainly because Intel integrated graphics are used in most PCs. AMD and NVIDIA graphics cards will be added, and the progress will be later.
5. Improve free Wifi connection
When you go out to work, you often need to connect to free WiFi in coffee shops, airports, etc. The new version of the system will support the captive portal system, making it easier to connect to WiFi.
Six, Bluetooth and audio
In the GNOME desktop environment, the upper limit of 100% volume cannot be broken through the keyboard. The Ubuntu system can break through the limitations of the physical keyboard. After adopting Gnome as the default desktop, the 17.10 development team will also solve this problem.
The stability and usability of Bluetooth speaker device connection are improved. For example, you can use Bluetooth speaker devices before logging in to the system. For those who need a screen reader, this feature will improve the experience of using the system.
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