Deploy vuepress on centos7

Vuepress is an excellent and concise document generator, which can automatically generate corresponding html files according to the md documents in the directory, with a simple and generous interface. Every page generated by VuePress comes with pre-rendered HTML, so it has very good loading performance and search engine optimization (SEO). This article will introduce how to deploy vuepress in CentOS7 environment. You can appreciate the effect before deciding whether to build it: Personally, I think it's pretty good, simple and generous.

One, install nodejs

curl -sL | sudo bash -
yum install nodejs

Two, install vuepress

npm install -g vuepress

Three, create a working directory

mkdir project
cd project
mkdir docs

Four, before initialization

npm init -y
vim package.json

Edited to the following content, here is actually setting the command alias.

{" scripts":{"docs:dev":"vuepress dev docs","docs:build":"vuepress build docs"}}

Create a .vuepress directory.

mkdir .vuepress
cd .vuepress

Create config.js, this is the global configuration file of vuepress, most of the properties are set here.

mkdir public
vim config.js

Modified to the following content, the corresponding content can be modified by yourself. The official documentation is here:

module.exports ={
 title:'Cool breeze wiki',
 description:'I'm waiting for the wind, also waiting for you',//The path relative to the git repository, such as the full path: set to'/wikibook/'
 host:'',//Run port

 themeConfig:{//gitc warehouse address
  repo:'',//If your document is not at the root of the repository
   docsDir:'docs',//Optional, default is master
  docsBranch:'master',//The default is true, set to false to disable
  editLinks:true,//Navigation Bar
  nav:[{ text:'Home', link:'/'},{ text:'Guide', link:'/guide/'},{ text:'External', link:''},{ text:'Languages',
    items:[{ text:'Chinese', link:'/language/chinese'},{ text:'Japanese', link:'/language/japanese'}]}],
   title:'Group 1',
   title:'Group 2',
   children:['/']}]},//search for
 lastUpdated:'Last Updated',// string | boolean}

the whole frame

├─── docs
│ ├──
│ ├── .vuepress
│ ├── config.js
│ └── public
│ └── hero.png
│ └── guide
│ └──
└── package.json

Five, initialization

Create in the docs directory

actionText:click to read
footer: MIT Licensed | Copyright © 2018-present Frank

Then go back to the project directory

# Open debugging mode, run the service, open http at this time://localhost:8081(Here is the port set above)I can see the simplest page
vuepress dev

# Build, at this time, the md document will be converted into an html file and stored in docs/.vuepress/dist directory
vuepress build

Six, debug deployment

At this point, the static web page has been generated in the docs/.vuepress/dist directory, you can first turn on the debugging mode, and then use ftp and other software to connect to the server remotely, modify the document under docs, and upload each modification , It will be recompiled automatically, of course, the whole process takes one or two minutes, depending on the performance of the server. Adjust it to a suitable level and move it to the corresponding directory of nginx or apache.

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