Deploy Jenkin on centos7

Centos7 deploy Jenkins#

2018.08.08 14:42:26 Word count 381 Reading 1022

Disclaimer: This article is just a test plug-in, no script attachment, can be used as a reference

1. Configure and install Jenkins

Go to the jenkins official website to download the jenkins installation package

There are two types of jenkins installation packages, one is LTS and the other is Weekly. LTS is a stable version, Weekly will be updated once a week, currently I choose LTS

Download the rpm package and install the Jenkins rpm package

rpm -ivh jenkins-2.107.3-1.1.noarch.rpm

(1) View the location of the Jenkins installation package

rpm -ql jenkins

(2) Add my jdk directory to the following files

vim /etc/init.d/jenkins

Add the corresponding jdk directory statement, among which the red statement needs to be added








(3) Modify Jenkins port



(4) Open the firewall of port 8888

firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=8888/tcp --permanent

firewall-cmd --reload

(5) Start Jenkins

service jenkins start

Shut down Jenkins

service jenkins stop

Restart Jenkins

service jenkins restart

Note: Encountered the following error during startup:

Starting jenkins (via systemctl):  Warning: jenkins.service changed on disk. Run 'systemctl daemon-reload' to reload units.


systemctl daemon-reload

(6) Type ip+port in the browser to open the Jenkins webpage, and the following picture appears


(7) Obtain the local administrator password

cat /var/lib/jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPassword

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2. Build the project

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