Docker EE installation on centos7

This article demonstrates how to install Docker EE on CentOS7.

1 Installation method#

There are two ways to install and upgrade Docker Enterprise Edition (Docker EE) on Centos:

2 YUM repository installation#

Things to consider before installing Docker EE.

2.1 Docker EE repository URL

To install Docker EE, you need to subscribe to the URL of the associated Docker EE repository:

a. Go to All subscriptions and trial versions are listed here.
b. Click the Setup button of Docker Enterprise Edition for Centos.
c. Copy the URL content for later use.

You will use in a later step<DOCKER-EE-URL> To indicate the content of this URL.

2.2 Delete the old version of Docker

The old version of docker, docker-engine or docker ce can be deleted by the following command

$ sudo yum remove docker \
 docker-client \ 
 docker-client-latest \
 docker-common \
 docker-latest \
 docker-latest-logrotate \
 docker-logrotate \
 docker-selinux \
 docker-engine-selinux \
 docker-engine \

2.3 Set up the repository###

a, Delete the existing Docker repository from the /etc/yum.repos.d/ directory:
$ rm /etc/yum.repos.d/docker*.repo
b. Store the URL (copied in step 2.1) temporarily in environment variables. Replace with the actual URL string in the following command<DOCKER-EE-URL> :
c, Store the value of the variable DOCKERURL in the yum variable:
$ echo "$DOCKERURL/centos">/etc/yum/vars/dockerurl
d, install the necessary software packages#####
$ yum install -y yum-utils device-mapper-persistent-data lvm2
e, add Docker EE stable repository:
$ yum-config-manager --add-repo "$DOCKERURL/centos/docker-ee.repo"

2.4 Install Docker EE

There are currently two versions of Docker EE Engine available:

a, If it is to install DDC, you need to install 17.06:
$ yum -y install docker-ee
b, specify the version to install

List available versions (example):

$ yum list docker-ee --showduplicates | sort -r
docker-ee.x86_64 17.06.2-ee.8-3.el7.centos docker-ee-stable-17.06

Install the specified version of Docker EE:

$ yum -y install <FULLY-QUALIFIED-PACKAGE-NAME>    #For example docker-ee-17.06.2-ee.8-3
c, start Docker:
$ systemctl enable docker.service &&  systemctl start docker.service

3 RPM package installation#

To install Docker EE manually, you need to download the .rpm file. Every time you want to upgrade Docker EE, you need to download a new file.

3.1 Download the installation package###

a, find the previously copied variable , Copy the string after the last slash "/" in the URL:

b, Replace the string in the link below with the string after the last slash above :<Token>/centos/7/x86\_64/stable-17.06/Packages/

c. The browser visits this link to download the file of the Docker version that needs to be installed.

3.2 Install Docker EE

a. Change /path/to/package.rpm in the following command to the correct path where the Docker package is located.
$ yum install /path/to/package.rpm
b, start Docker
$ systemctl enable docker.service &&  systemctl start docker.service

4 Uninstall Docker

4.1 Uninstall the Docker EE package:

$ yum -y remove docker-ee

4.2 Delete all images, containers and volumes (because they will not be automatically deleted from the host):

$ rm -rf /var/lib/docker

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