Ubuntu: Install OMNeT++ simulation tool

Dependent library##

These dependent libraries need to be installed in advance under Ubuntu.
Other Linux systems do not need it, you can skip to the tool installation directly.

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install build-essential gcc g++ bison flex perl \
qt5-default tcl-dev tk-dev libxml2-dev zlib1g-dev default-jre \
doxygen graphviz libwebkitgtk-3.0-0

sudo apt-get install libopenscenegraph-dev \
openscenegraph-plugin-osgearth libosgearth-dev

sudo apt-get install openmpi-bin libopenmpi-dev

Tool installation##

Download OMNeT++ from omnet official website:

Unzip it to generate the omnetpp-5.2.1 folder.

Enter this folder:

cd omnetpp-5.2.1

Execution setting environment:

. setenv

Open the .bashrc file:

sudo gedit ~/.bashrc

Add this command to the end of the .bashrc file:

export PATH=/home/hok/Software/omnetpp/omnetpp-5.2.1/bin:$PATH

Close the current process and let the settings take effect.

source ~/.bashrc

Reopen the new terminal.

Perform configuration:

. /configure

or ./configure WITH_OSG=no , ./configure WITH_TKENV=no WITH_QTENV=no .

Start compiling:

make -j8

Enter omnetpp in the terminal to open the installed OMNeT++ simulation tool:



Install menu bar startup items:

make install-menu-item

Install desktop shortcut (no need):

make install-desktop-icon


At this point, the installation is complete.

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