I have been using 20.04 for a period of time, and I have tested the robot development environment in this environment.
The final version of ros1 is coming soon:
Please note the following function package naming rules:
No need to add the version number anymore, this should be the final version of ros1.
After the installation is complete, use some such as:
Quickly open the terminal: Ctrl + Alt + T
Update system: sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
Multimedia support: sudo apt install ubuntu-restricted-extras
Synaptic:sudo apt-get install synaptic
Microsoft fonts: ttf-mscorefonts-installer
Other commonly used tools: wps, chrome, vlc, gimp, uget, etc.
Power management:
For detailed configuration, refer to the following document connection:
Of course, you can also turn on the night mode.
System cleanup: sudo apt install bleachbit
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