2018-09-11 Install arduino under Ubuntu

method one:

1、 Open terminal to download wget https://downloads.arduino.cc/arduino-1.8.6-linux64.tar.xz

Or go directly to https://www.arduino.cc/en/Main/Software to download

2、 Unzip the file

3、 Go to the directory where the arduino folder is located under terminal

cd Downloads

cd ardunio*

4、 Installation support

sudo apt-get install default-jre

5、 Open arduino

. /arduino

6、 Link to arduino board MEGA2560

Choose the board Arduino/Genuino Mega or Mega 2560

Select port /dev/ttyUSB0

Reference Ubuntu 16.04 install Arduino Software (IDE)

Method Two:

1、 Open terminal

sudo apt-get install arduino

2、 vim ~/.arduino/preferences.txt

Press i to modify, modify Serial.port=com1 in the file to Serial.port=/dev/ttyACM0

After the modification is completed, click the Esc key to enter the command prompt line and start the save operation. After the bottom INSERT disappears, you can enter: wq to save the operation.

3、 Enter sudo arduino in the terminal to run arduino

Reference Ubuntu15.10 installation Arduino IDE record

4、 Under ubuntu, a pre-installed program called brltty conflicts with Arduino, just uninstall it. This thing is designed for blind people, so you can uninstall it without any problems. After uninstalling, restart the computer.

sudo  apt-get remove brltty

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