Install Ubuntu 18.04 server with kvm virtualization

Resource preparation##

First, you must configure the KVM environment. As explained in detail above, the disk configuration is similar to using the qemu-img create -f qcow2 ubuntu.qcow2 100G command to create a virtual disk. The system image can be downloaded from the official website:

Ubuntu official website:
Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS download:

Verify your download

# Run this command in your terminal in the directory the iso was downloaded to verify the SHA256 checksum:

$ echo "b9beac143e36226aa8a0b03fc1cbb5921cff80123866e718aaeba4edb81cfa63 *ubuntu-18.04.3-live-server-amd64.iso"| shasum -a 256--check

# You should get the following output:

ubuntu-18.04.3-live-server-amd64.iso: OK

The network configuration continues to use the default default nat method of KVM.


$ virt-install \
- - virt-type=kvm \
- - name=nextcloud \
- - hvm \
- - vcpus=2 \
- - memory=2048 \
- - cdrom=/srv/kvm/nextcloud/ubuntu-18.04.3-live-server-amd64.iso \
- - disk path=/srv/kvm/nextcloud/nextcloud.qcow2,size=500,format=qcow2 \
- - network bridge=br0 \
- - graphics vnc,password=kvmwin10,listen=::,port=5911 \
- - autostart \
- - force

After the installation is successful, use the VNC viewer on any device with a desktop switch that can access the Internet to enter YourIp:5911 and enter the password kvmwin10, you can enter the virtual machine, and then continue the installation.

Virsh basic commands##

virsh list --all           #View all virtual machines that are running and not running
virsh list                 #View the running virtual machine
virsh dumpxml vm-name      #View the kvm virtual machine configuration file
virsh start vm-name        #Start the kvm virtual machine
virsh shutdown vm-name     #Normal shutdown

virsh destroy vm-name      #Abnormal shutdown, forcibly shut down the virtual machine (equivalent to the physical machine directly unplug the power)
virsh undefine vm-name     #Delete the vm configuration file

ls /etc/libvirt/qemu
# View the delete result, Centos-6.The configuration file of 6 is deleted, but the disk file will not be deleted

virsh define file-name.xml #Define the virtual machine according to the configuration file
virsh suspend vm-name      #Suspend, terminate
virsh resumed vm-name      #Resume a suspended virtual machine
virsh autostart vm-name    #Boot from the vm
virsh console <Virtual machine name>   #Connect to the virtual machine

- Install common parameter description##

--Name specifies the name of the virtual machine
-Memory allocate memory size.
-Vcpus allocates the number of CPU cores, the maximum is the same as the number of physical machine CPU cores
-Disk specifies the virtual machine image, size specifies the allocation size unit as G.
-Network network type. The default is used here. Generally, bridge should be used.
--Accelerate accelerate
--Cdrom specifies the installation image iso
-Vnc enables VNC remote management, generally the installation system must be enabled.
-Vncport specifies the VNC monitoring port, the default port is 5900, and the port cannot be repeated.
-Vnclisten specifies the VNC binding IP, the default binding, change to 0 here.0.0.0。

- - name specifies the name of the virtual machine
- - ram virtual machine memory size, in MB
- - vcpus allocates the number of CPU cores, the maximum is the same as the number of CPU cores of the physical machine
–-vnc Enable VNC remote management, generally the installation system must be enabled.
–-vncport specifies the VNC monitoring port, the default port is 5900, and the port cannot be repeated.
–-vnclisten specifies the VNC binding IP, the default binding is, change to 0 here.0.0.0。
- - network Virtual machine network configuration
 # The sub-option, bridge=br0 specifies the name of the bridged network card.

–os-variant=rhel7.2--disk specifies the disk storage location of the virtual machine
 # size, the initial disk size, in GB.

- - location Specifies the path of the installation media, such as the file path of the CD image.
- - graphics graphics display configuration
 # There may be a lot of interactive operations during a fresh installation of a virtual machine, such as setting the language, initializing the root password, and so on.
 # The function of the graphics option is to configure the graphical interactive mode, which can be linked using vnc (a remote desktop software).
 # We use the command line to install this column, so here we need to set it to none, but through--extra-The args option specifies terminal information,
 # Only in this way can the interactive information during the installation process be output to the current console.
- - extra-args set different additional options according to different installation methods

Ubuntu fixed ip

Since the installation of Ubuntu is for the service of a certain application, it needs external network access, and the use of Nat mapping port requires a fixed IP.

First, you need to determine the network interface to be configured. You can use the ifconfig command to list all connected network interfaces in the system.

$ ifconfig -a

Ubuntu set static IP address

$ sudo vim /etc/netplan/xxxx.ymal

Modify this file:



# ens33:Network interface name
# dhcp4:Receive the dhcp attribute of the IPV4 interface
# dhcp6:Receive the dhcp attribute of the IPV6 interface
# addresses:Static address sequence of the interface
# gateway4:IPV4 address of the default gateway
# Nameservers:DNS server address in,Number division


If you accidentally touch in vim, you can use u to undo an operation.

u Undo the operation of the previous step
Ctrl+r Restore the operation that was undone in the previous step

Save the file and exit. Then use the following netplan command to apply the most recent network changes.

$ sudo netplan apply

Now verify again all available network interfaces, the ens33 Ethernet interface should now be connected to the local network and have an IP address.

ifconfig -a

At this point, the installation of the Ubuntu virtual machine is complete, just enter VNC to continue the subsequent operations.

Easter eggs##

Debian 8
virt-install \
- - name debian8 \
- - ram 1024 \
- - disk path=./debian8.qcow2,size=8 \
- - vcpus 1 \
- - os-type linux \
- - os-variant generic \
- - network bridge=virbr0 \
- - graphics none \
- - console pty,target_type=serial \
- - location '' \
- - extra-args 'console=ttyS0,115200n8 serial'
Debian 7
virt-install \
- - name debian7 \
- - ram 1024 \
- - disk path=./debian7.qcow2,size=8 \
- - vcpus 1 \
- - os-type linux \
- - os-variant debian7 \
- - network bridge=virbr0 \
- - graphics none \
- - console pty,target_type=serial \
- - location '' \
- - extra-args 'console=ttyS0,115200n8 serial'
Debian 6
virt-install \
- - name debian6 \
- - ram 1024 \
- - disk path=./debian6.qcow2,size=8 \
- - vcpus 1 \
- - os-type linux \
- - os-variant debian6 \
- - network bridge=virbr0 \
- - graphics none \
- - console pty,target_type=serial \
- - location '' \
- - extra-args 'console=ttyS0,115200n8 serial'
CentOS 7
virt-install \
- - name centos7 \
- - ram 1024 \
- - disk path=./centos7.qcow2,size=8 \
- - vcpus 1 \
- - os-type linux \
- - os-variant centos7 \
- - network bridge=virbr0 \
- - graphics none \
- - console pty,target_type=serial \
- - location '' \
- - extra-args 'console=ttyS0,115200n8 serial'
CentOS 6
virt-install \
- - name centos6 \
- - ram 1024 \
- - disk path=./centos6.qcow2,size=8 \
- - vcpus 1 \
- - os-type linux \
- - os-variant centos6 \
- - network bridge=virbr0 \
- - graphics none \
- - console pty,target_type=serial \
- - location '' \
- - extra-args 'console=ttyS0,115200n8 serial'
CentOS 5
virt-install \
- - name centos5 \
- - ram 1024 \
- - disk path=./centos5.qcow2,size=8 \
- - vcpus 1 \
- - os-type linux \
- - os-variant centos5 \
- - network bridge=virbr0 \
- - graphics none \
- - console pty,target_type=serial \
- - location '' \
- - extra-args 'console=ttyS0,115200n8 serial'
Ubuntu 14.04
virt-install \
- - name ubuntu1404 \
- - ram 1024 \
- - disk path=./ubuntu1404.qcow2,size=8 \
- - vcpus 1 \
- - os-type linux \
- - os-variant generic \
- - network bridge=virbr0 \
- - graphics none \
- - console pty,target_type=serial \
- - location '' \
- - extra-args 'console=ttyS0,115200n8 serial'
Ubuntu 12.04
virt-install \
- - name ubuntu1204 \
- - ram 1024 \
- - disk path=./ubuntu1204.qcow2,size=8 \
- - vcpus 1 \
- - os-type linux \
- - os-variant ubuntu12.04 \
- - network bridge=virbr0 \
- - graphics none \
- - console pty,target_type=serial \
- - location '' \
- - extra-args 'console=ttyS0,115200n8 serial'
Ubuntu 10.04
virt-install \
- - name ubuntu1004 \
- - ram 1024 \
- - disk path=./ubuntu1004.qcow2,size=8 \
- - vcpus 1 \
- - os-type linux \
- - os-variant ubuntu10.04 \
- - network bridge=virbr0 \
- - graphics none \
- - console pty,target_type=serial \
- - location '' \
- - extra-args 'console=ttyS0,115200n8 serial'
OpenSUSE 13
virt-install \
- - name opensuse13 \
- - ram 1024 \
- - disk path=./opensuse13.qcow2,size=8 \
- - vcpus 1 \
- - os-type linux \
- - os-variant generic \
- - network bridge=virbr0 \
- - graphics none \
- - console pty,target_type=serial \
- - location '' \
- - extra-args 'console=ttyS0,115200n8 serial'
OpenSUSE 12
virt-install \
- - name opensuse12 \
- - ram 1024 \
- - disk path=./opensuse12.qcow2,size=8 \
- - vcpus 1 \
- - os-type linux \
- - os-variant generic \
- - network bridge=virbr0 \
- - graphics none \
- - console pty,target_type=serial \
- - location '' \
- - extra-args 'console=ttyS0,115200n8 serial'
OpenSUSE 11
virt-install \
- - name opensuse11 \
- - ram 1024 \
- - disk path=./opensuse11.qcow2,size=8 \
- - vcpus 1 \
- - os-type linux \
- - os-variant generic \
- - network bridge=virbr0 \
- - graphics none \
- - console pty,target_type=serial \
- - location '' \
- - extra-args 'console=ttyS0,115200n8 serial'
Generic ISO
Download an ISO file and give the filename to the --cdrom= parameter. This is used instead of--location. A VNC console is available on localhost, port 5999for you to use.

An example for FreeBSD 10. First download the ISO:

Then start virt-install:

 virt-install \
- - name freebsd10 \
- - ram 1024 \
- - disk path=./freebsd10.qcow2,size=8 \
- - vcpus 1 \
- - os-type generic \
- - os-variant generic \
- - network bridge=virbr0 \
- - graphics vnc,port=5999 \
- - console pty,target_type=serial \
- - cdrom ./FreeBSD-10.1-RELEASE-amd64-dvd1.iso \
You need to start up a VNC client to do the installation.


Author: Frytea
Title: kvm virtualization installation Ubuntu 18.04 server
Copyright: This work by TL-Song is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

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