Python installation impala package steps

Direct pip install impala does not work, follow the steps below to install it successfully!

Just install it all the way

1、 pip install six

2、 pip install bit_array

3、 pip install thriftpy

4、 pip install thrift_sasl

5、 pip install impyla


from impala.dbapi import connect

If no error is reported, the installation is successful!

Supplementary knowledge: python3 install impala-related packages

Install related package order

pip3 install six bit_array bitarray
pip3 install thriftpy==0.3.8 pure-sasl
pip3 install thrift-sasl==0.2.1--no-deps
pip3 install impyla==0.14.1

Then modify the \ file

Generally this file is in /usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/

Modify this function on line 94

def _send_message(self, status, body):
 header = struct.pack(" BI",status,len(body))if(type(body) is str): # add
 body = body.encode() # add
 self._trans.write(header + body)

The above steps for installing the impala package in python are all the content shared by the editor. I hope to give you a reference.

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