ubuntu offline installation python environment


When deploying jumpserver, after adding assets, asset information cannot be pushed normally. After reading the error message, I found that there is no python environment, and servers without python environment are offline environments and cannot be installed using apt, so the python environment can only be installed offline.


Installing the python environment is very simple. We can check the relevant version and dependencies on a machine where python has been installed, and then find the corresponding deb package online.

Query which dependencies of python

sudo apt-cache depends python

Here are some dependency packages of python, just unzip and use: python dependency

Install dependencies in order

sudo dpkg -i libpython2.7-minimal_2.7.12-1ubuntu0_16.04.4_amd64.deb 
sudo dpkg -i python2.7-minimal_2.7.12-1ubuntu0_16.04.4_amd64.deb 
sudo dpkg -i python-minimal_2.7.12-1_16.04_amd64.deb 
sudo dpkg -i libpython2.7-stdlib_2.7.12-1ubuntu0_16.04.4_amd64.deb 
sudo dpkg -i python2.7_2.7.12-1ubuntu0_16.04.4_amd64.deb 
sudo dpkg -i libpython-stdlib_2.7.12-1_16.04_amd64.deb 
sudo dpkg -i python_2.7.12-1_16.04_amd64.deb

The best way is to find a server that can go out of the network and install python normally without querying the dependencies of python. You will see that during the installation process, some dependencies will be listed and the order of installation dependencies will also be listed.

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