ubuntu19.04 installation tutorial (graphic steps)

1. Ready to work

1.1 Download and install VMware15

Download link: https://www.vmware.com/cn/products/workstation-pro/workstation-pro-evaluation.html

After the installation is complete, select [Help] and enter the license key. Product key: CG392-4PX5J-H816Z-HYZNG-PQRG2.

1.2 Download ubuntu19.04 image


2. Install virtual machine

  1. Create a new virtual machine

  1. Custom configuration

  1. Default, then [Next]

  1. Select [Install later], and then [Next]

  1. Select [Linux] [Ubuntu 64bit], the default is [Next]

  1. Default, then [Next]

  1. Default, then [Next]

  1. Select [Use Network Address Translation], then [Next]

  1. Default, then [Next]

  1. Default, then [Next]

  1. Select [Store virtual disk as a single file], then [Next]

  1. Default, then [Next]

  1. Default, then 【Finish】

  1. Select [Edit Virtual Machine Settings] -> [CD/DVD (SATA)] -> [Use ISO Image (M)], and then select the downloaded ubuntu19.04 image file.

3. Install ubuntu19.04

3.1 Turn on this virtual machine

3.2 Install ubuntu

① Select [Chinese (Simplified)], then [Install Ubuntu]

② The keyboard layout is OK by default, select [Continue]

③ By default, select [Continue]

④ By default, select [Install Now]

⑤ Select【Continue】

⑥ Default, then [Continue]

⑦ Set user name and password, and then【continue】

The next step is to wait for the installation to succeed. If you are prompted to download something during the installation process but it is slow, which affects the installation progress, you can choose [Skip] to skip this step.

⑧ Select [Restart now] and wait for restart

⑨ After the system restarts, we basically complete the installation by doing some simple settings

⑩ Solve the problem that the system is not fully displayed in VMware full screen

Install VMware Tools

Prompt the steps to install VMware Tools,

Enter the file system, select VMware Tools, and extract the compressed package VMware Tools-xxx.tar.gz to the home directory

Select the compressed file and right-click the mouse, select [Extract here]

Enter the file (directory), right-click the blank area, and open the terminal

In the terminal, execute sudo ./vmware-install.pl to install. If you are prompted to enter yes, enter yes, and you can press Enter directly for others.

Click [Full Screen Button] in the VMware tab, then the system can be fully displayed in VMware full screen,

At this point, the installation of ubuntu19.04 is complete. If the system compares cards, you can improve the configuration.

The above is the whole content of this article, I hope it will be helpful to everyone's study.

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