Chromium is set as system setting under ubuntu 18.04


After hanging up ss under ubuntu 18.04, firefox can directly upload to gg, but chromium cannot
The following two situations will occur

# This site can’t be reached
xxxxxx is unreachable.

# This site can’t be reached
xxxxxx  refused to connect.
Try:- Checking the connection
- [ Checking the proxy and the firewall](chrome-error://chromewebdata/#buttons)

At first I thought it was a DNS error or something, but after changing it for a long time, there was no effect. Although the access speed of Ali's DNS was much faster after changing it, it did not solve my problem./(ㄒoㄒ)/~~


I found such a network setting on firefox later

When I try to switch the above system proxy option, I find that firefox can't goole, this is the problem-the browser needs to set the system proxy
Poorly, I thought that setting the pac file locally on ss+ is already a system proxy, but I didn’t expect to set a proxy for the browser under ubuntu

Try to verify-start chromium in direct proxy mode

chromium-browser --proxy-server="socks5://"

The result was a success 0.0


You can use the system agent to start Chromium every time, but it is too cumbersome, so the plug-in SwitchyOmega is a good choice.
Download SwitchyOmega on the web (in proxy mode)

Setting up the plug-in – New profile

Set Profile name (fill in at random)-select PAC profile-then Create

PAC UPL is to set the PAC file, if it is locally, the format is file:///home/{user}/+pac location

If the pac url import fails, you can directly copy the content of pac into the PAC Script below, and then save the changes on the left.
Finally, start the plug-in, select the mode just set, gg go up (@ο@) ~

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