Install utility software collection under Ubuntu system

I use the Linux system as Ubuntu9.10 English version


Ubuntu software installation tool: Ubuntu Tweak (similar to the control panel under Windows)

installation method:

ubuntu-tweak_0.5.1-1~lucid1_all.deb for Ubuntu 10.04
ubuntu-tweak_0.5.1-1~karmic1_all.deb for Ubuntu 9.10

Detailed website for installation instructions: (Qingbei)


Chinese input method: scim smart pinyin

installation method:

1 System —> Administration —> Synaptic Package Manager

2 Enter scim in the Quick search search box and click Search to search

3 Select scim, etc. to install

4 Ctrl+Spacebar, switch between Chinese and English input methods, very similar to Sogou Pinyin under Windows

Detailed installation instructions URL: (English) (Chinese)

Supplementary note: The ibus installation method is similar to scim installation, so I won’t repeat it here. For details, please refer to the Ubuntu Chinese Forum website


Ubuntu QQ: linuxqq

Download link:

Download software: download the DEB package, namely linuxqq_v1.0.2-beta1_i386.deb (deb is the installation format under linux system, similar to exe under Windows)


Ubuntu’s music player: Audacious2 (similar to the Qianqian listening effect under Windows)

installation method:

1 System —> Administration —> Synaptic Package Manager

2 Enter audacious in the Quick search search box and click Search to search

3 Select audacious, etc. to install

4 Open the audacious method Applications —> Sound & Video —> Audacious2, you can start enjoying music under Linux

Supplementary note: After this installation, garbled characters may appear when playing music, please refer to the website


Ubuntu video player: Movie Player

installation method:

1 Applications —> Ubuntu Software Center —> Sound & Video

2 Type movie player in the search box on the right, select movie player and click the small arrow on the right

3 Enter movie player, click Install to download and install

4 Open the Movie Player method Applications —> Sound & Video —> Movie Player, you can start enjoying the video under Linux


Ubuntu's CHM file browsing: chmsee

installation method:

1 System —> Administration —> Synaptic Package Manager

2 Enter chmsee in the Quick search search box and click Search to search

3 Select chmsee, etc. to install

4 Open the ChmSee method Applications —> Accessories —> ChmSee, you can start the Chm file under Linux


Ubuntu's online translation dictionary: stardic

installation method:

1 System —> Administration —> Synaptic Package Manager

2 Enter stardic in the Quick search search box and click Search to search

3 Select stardic, etc. to install

4 Open the stardic method Applications —> Accessories —> stardic, you can start the Chm file under Linux


Unrar tool unrar

installation method:

sudo apt-get install unrar


Read chm tool xchm

installation method:

sudo apt-get install xchm


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