How to compile and install xdebug from source code in Ubuntu environment

This article describes how to compile and install xdebug from source code in Ubuntu environment. Share with you for your reference, as follows:

I introduced the method of compiling and installing PHP and Nginx in the Ubuntu environment. Here, I will explain the method of compiling and installing xdebug from the source code.

Download and unzip xdebug

xdebug download address:

I downloaded 2.3.3, but I don’t know the difference between these versions, so I just downloaded one.

cd /usr/local/src
tar -zxvf xdebug-2.3.3.tgz

Compile and install xdebug

php is installed under the /opt/php path

cd /usr/local/src/xdebug-2.3.3/opt/php/bin/phpize
. /configure --prefix=/opt/xdebug --with-php-config=/opt/php/bin/php-config
make && make install

After the installation is successful, the following information will be displayed:

Installing shared extensions:

Configure php.ini

We add the xdebug extension at the end of php.ini:


Restart nginx to take effect.

If you can’t find php.ini, you can use /opt/php/bin/php -i |grep php.ini to find the path information of php.ini. If the corresponding path does not have a php.ini file, you can use the extracted php In the source code, cpoy has a copy of php.ini-development or php.ini-production for use.

I hope this article will help you configure your Ubuntu environment.

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