Download OpenJDK11 source code in Ubuntu environment

The Ubuntu version is 16.04.5 LTS. In this environment, download the source code of OpenJDK11 in the official recommended way. The official document address:

Introduction to operation steps###

There are three steps in total: first install pip, then use pip to install Mercurial, and then use Mercurial to download the source code;


  1. Install pip, execute the following command:
apt-get install python-pip
  1. To install Mercurial via pip, execute the following command:
pip install mercurial
  1. Download the source code, execute the following command
hg clone

Note that this step is a painful process, during which it has experienced a long time of waiting, failure, and retries, and finally successfully completed using Amazon's AWS server. The server room is in the western United States (Oregon). The prompt after successful operation is as follows:

At this time, a folder named jdk11 can be seen in the current directory, which is the source code of OpenJDK11;

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