ubuntu sets python2.5 environment variables

After switching to python development, the dependence on windows is not particularly large, so using Linux will not affect the work. So, I installed an ubuntu system on the newly bought thinkpad.

In fact, I installed fedora at the beginning, but I couldn't set the wireless network card driver well under fedora, and some other software could not be installed because it was 64-bit. So re-use the u disk and install it as ubuntu64.

Regarding the setting of ubuntu's environment variables, it is in the directory: /usr/bin. Originally, when we entered python on the command line, it was actually the file called here. Because the system defaults to python2.7, but for the sake of unification, I still have to install it as 2.5, so there are some steps below:

1、 First install python2.5, how to install it should be very simple.

2、 Then set the python under /usr/bin our newly installed python2.5, use the following command:

sudo rm /usr/bin/python #This command means to delete the original python file

sudo ln -s /usr/bin/python2.5 /usr/bin/python #This command means to establish a python2.5 file link python (personal understanding)

3、 Finally, set the environment variable: export PATH=/usr/bin/python2.5:$PATH, so that, if you enter python on the command line, the system will execute the python file in /usr/bin.

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