Configure Nginx Git server on Ubuntu system

Configure Nginx Git server on Ubuntu system#

I published a blog post on Configuring Apache Git Server on Windows System many years ago. It was mainly implemented with Apache’s Basic authentication + git-http-backend. Now we need to deploy a similar simple one on the company’s vps git server, the software environment this time is as follows:

The principle of using git-http-backend to build a git service is similar, mainly using the web server (apache/nginx) for user authentication and passing user information to the CGI program git-http-backend to achieve Complete git operation via http.

Install git-core, nginx and fcgiwrap

Enter the following commands to install the three required packages:

apt-get install git-core nginx fcgiwrap

Configure nginx

My purpose is to add a virtual directory /git/ under the default website of nginx, and access the xxx.git code base on the server by accessing the form of /git/xxx.git, which needs to be modified nginx default website configuration file /etc/nginx/sites-available/default, add the following information:

# Configured with/Virtual directory starting with git
location ~/git(/.*){
 # Use Basic authentication
 auth_basic "Restricted";
 # Authenticated user file
 auth_basic_user_file /etc/nginx/passwd;
 # FastCGI parameters
 fastcgi_pass  unix:/var/run/fcgiwrap.socket;
 fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME /usr/lib/git-core/git-http-backend;
 fastcgi_param GIT_HTTP_EXPORT_ALL "";
 # The root directory of the git library on the server
 fastcgi_param GIT_PROJECT_ROOT    /var/git-repos;
 fastcgi_param PATH_INFO           $1;
 # Pass the authenticated user information to the fastcgi program
 fastcgi_param REMOTE_USER $remote_user;
 # Include the default fastcgi parameters;
 include       fastcgi_params;
 # Adjust the maximum allowable client post to 100 megabytes
 max_client_body_size 100M;}

Create nginx authentication user file##

Refer to nginx ngx http auth basic module, the user authentication file format is as follows:

# comment

You can use the htpasswd command to create a user. If there is no such command on the server, you can enter the command apt-get install apache2-utils to install this command. After installing this command, you can use it to create an authenticated user. For example, to create user user1, enter the command as follows:

htpasswd /etc/nginx/passwd user1

Then enter the password as prompted.

Create a git code repository##

The git and directory configured above is /var/git-repos, we initialize an empty code base in this directory, the command is as follows:

cd /var/git-repos
git init --bare test.git

Pay attention to check the permissions of test.git. If the permissions are insufficient, use this command to set the permissions:

chmod a+rw -R test.git

Restart nginx and test##

Enter the command to restart nginx and test the git service:

nginx -s reload
git clone https://server-name/git/test.git

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