Black hat programming application of Python1

[ TOC]

0 x00 Foreword####

In security workers or penetration testing, we often need to build our own wheels to write automated scripts, so Python scripts can help us write response scanners and scripts faster;

Expansion pack:

0 x01 IP address processing module####

Description: When scanning many businesses, we may need to enter an IP segment to scan it. In writing Python scripts, it is inevitable to calculate the IP address, including network segment/netmask/broadcast address/subnet number/IP type and many more;

Therefore, Python provides us with a powerful third-party module IPy, install the module and execute pip install IPy;

(1) Basic processing of IP address/network segment:

# /usr/bin/env python
from IPy import IP

#1. Distinguish between IPv4 and IPv6 and IP type
#4 Stands for IPv4 6 stands for IPv6
print(ipv4,"  ",ipv6)  # 46 
iptype = ip.iptype()  #'PRIVATE'Represents a private address
IP('').iptype()  #'PUBLIC'Represents a public address
print(IP('::1').iptype())  #LOOPBACK
print(IP('2001:0658:022a:cafe:0200::1').iptype())  #ALLOCATED RIPE NCC

#2. Network segment IP number and IP address list
ip=IP('')len(ip) #Also the number of network subnets
print(ip.len()) #Enter the number of IPs in the network segment 256for x in ip:  #Address list
# Print result
# ....

#3. IP reverse name resolution
revname = ip.reverseNames() #['']

#4. IP conversion
IP("").int()  #3232235777 IP address conversion shaping
IP("").strHex()  #'0xc0a80101'  #IP address to hexadecimal
IP("").strBin() #'11000000101010000000000100000001' #To binary
print(IP(0xc0a80101))   #Convert hexadecimal to IP|IP('')print(IP(3232235777))   #Convert decimal to IP192.168.1.1

#5. Network address subnet mask generation network segment format
IP('').make_net('')  #IP('')IP('',make_net=True)  #IP('')IP('',make_net=True)       #IP('')IP('',make_net=True)   #IP('')

#6. Convert to IP and subnet mask through the network
IP('').net() #IP('')IP('').broadcast()  #IP('')Get the subnet mask according to the network segment
# Specify different wantprefixlen parameter values through the StrNormal method to customize the network segments of different output types
# wantprefixlen value
0: No return, such as prefix format a.b.c.0/24|2001:658:22a:cafe::/64  #Default format
2 :Decimal netmask format a.b.c.d/ lastIP format a.b.c.0-a.b.c.2552001:658:22a:cafe::-2001:658:22a:cafe:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff
# Sample demonstration:
IP('').strNormal(0)  #''Here you need to know the knowledge points of the subnet mask
IP('').strNormal(0)  #''2^ (32-30=2)=4 IP as a group
IP('').strNormal(1)  #''IP('').strNormal()   #''IP('').strNormal(2)  #''IP('').strNormal(3)  #''  #Convert the number of hosts according to the subnet mask

(2) Multi-network calculation comparison:
Compare whether the two network segments contain overlaps, etc., IPy supports the comparison of numerical data, which can help IP objects to compare

#! /usr/bin/env python
# Example 1.Determine the interval of the network segment
IP("")<IP("") #True
IP("")>IP("") #False

# Determine whether the IP address or network segment is included in another network segment:
IP("")inIP("")  #False
IP("")inIP("")  #True

# Determine whether two network segments overlap,Using the overlaps method provided by IP
IP("").overlaps("") #1 contains
IP("").overlaps("")    #0 does not contain

[+ IPy module use case view]( %B0%E5%BB%BA%E8%AE%BE/Scan/

Useage:> -t/-m Specify the IP type address for mutual conversion binary IP/Integer IP/Hexadecimal
- m Specify IP address or IP segment to view information
IP format 1: 
IP format 2: 
IP format 3:

0 x02 DNS processing module####

Description: dbspython in Python implements a DNS toolkit, supports all record types, is used to query/transmit and dynamically update ZONE information, and supports all record types;
Module installation: pip install dnspython

1. Detailed Method

dns provides a DNS resolution class-resolver, which uses its query method to implement query functions. The query method is defined as follows:

import dns.resolver

def query(qname, rdtype=dns.rdatatype.A, rdclass=dns.rdataclass.IN,
   tcp=False, source=None, raise_on_no_answer=True,
   source_port=0, lifetime=None):

The rdclass parameter is used to specify the network type, the optional values are IN, CH and HS, where IN is the default;
The tcp parameter indicates whether to enable the TCP protocol;
The rdtype parameter is used to specify the RR resource type:

Sample demonstration:

# Example 1.A record passes response.answer method to get query response information
for i in dns.resolver.query('','A').response.answer:for j in i.items:print("A record:%s"% j.address)  #A record: i in dns.resolver.query('','A').response.answer:for j in i.items:print("A record:%s"% j.address)

# A record:
# A record:
# A record:

# Example 2.MX record
for i in dns.resolver.query('','MX'):print("MX preference = %s , mail exchanger = %s"%(i.preference,
# Traverse out preferences and mail exchange servers
# MX preference =20, mail exchanger =
# MX preference =30, mail exchanger =
# MX preference =10, mail exchanger =

# Example 3.NS record (enter the root domain name)
for i in dns.resolver.query('','NS').response.answer:for j in i.items:print("NS record:%s"%j)

# Results of the
NS record:
NS record:
NS record:
NS record:

# Example 4.CNAME record
for i in dns.resolver.query('','CNAME').response.answer:for j in i.items:print("CNAME record:%s"%j) #CNAME

# Example 5.SOA authorization area definition
for i in dns.resolver.query('','SOA'):print(i)

actual case:
[+ View on Github]( E5%BB%BA%E8%AE%BE/Scan/

WeiyiGeek.dnsinfo information view

0 x01 web detection module####

pycurl module#####

Description: pycurl is a libcurl Python implementation written in C language, with powerful functions and support for multiple communication protocols. The Python package similar to the Curl command function under Linux is simple and easy to use;
Module installation:

# installation
pip install pycurl  #May report an error Please specify--curl-dir=/path/to/built/libcurl(Re-execute after installation)
# If error access: download pycurl- to your Python version)
Processing c:\users\weiyigeek\downloads\pycurl-
Installing collected packages: pycurl
Successfully installed pycurl-

# View version
python -c "import pycurl;print(pycurl.version)"'PycURL/ libcurl/7.64.1 OpenSSL/1.1.1c zlib/1.2.11 c-ares/1.15.0 libssh2/1.8.2'

The main function:

Common methods of modules:

pcurl = pycurl.Curl #Create object
pcurl.setopt(option,value)  #curl_easy_setopt method, value will depend on option
pcurl.perform() #Realize the request submission of pycurl objects
pcurl.getinfo(option) #Get pycurl object request response information

Use the constant values provided by the libcurl package to achieve the purpose of detecting the quality of Web services:

# setopt
pc.setopt(pycurl.URL, URL) #Define the requested URL
pc.setopt(pycurl.USERAGENT,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:68.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/68.0") #Set http request header USERAGENT
pc.setopt(pycurl.CONNECTTIMEOUT,5) #Connection waiting time, 0 means no waiting
pc.setopt(pycurl.TIMEOUT,5)  #Request timeout
pc.setopt(pycurl.MAXREDIRS,1)  #Maximum number of redirects
pc.setopt(pycurl.NOPROGRESS,1)  #Whether to block the download progress bar if it is not 0, block it
pc.setopt(pycurl.MAXREDIRS,1)   #Specify the maximum number of HTTP redirects as 1
pc.setopt(pycurl.DNS_CACHE_TIMEOUT,30)  #Error reporting DNS information is 30s
pc.setopt(pycurl.FORBID_REUSE,1) #Disconnect after completing the interaction without reusing
pc.setopt(pycurl.FERSH_CONNECT,1) #Force a new connection to replace the connection in the cache
pc.setopt(pycurl.HEADERFUNCTION, getheader) #Direct the returned HTTP HEADER to the callback environment getheader
pc.setopt(pycurl.WRITEFUNCTION, getbody) #Direct the returned HTTP BOBY to the callback environment getboby
pc.setopt(pycurl.WRITEHEADER, index)  #Direct the return HTTP HEADER to the indexfile file object
pc.setopt(pycurl.WRITEDATA, index)  #Direct the returned HTML content to the indexfile file object

# getinfo
print("HTTP status code: %s"%(pc.getinfo(pc.HTTP_CODE)))print("DNS resolution time: %.2f ms"%(pc.getinfo(pc.NAMELOOKUP_TIME)*1000))print("Connection time: %.2f ms"%(pc.getinfo(pc.CONNECT_TIME)*1000))print("Ready to transfer time: %.2f ms"%(pc.getinfo(pc.PRETRANSFER_TIME)*1000))print("Transmission start time: %.2f ms"%(pc.getinfo(pc.STARTTRANSFER_TIME)*1000))print("Total transmission end time: %.2f ms"%(pc.getinfo(pc.TOTAL_TIME)*1000))print("Redirection time: %.2f ms"%(pc.getinfo(pc.REDIRECT_TIME)*1000))print("Download packet size: %d bytes/s"%(pc.getinfo(pc.SIZE_DOWNLOAD)))print("Upload packet size: %d bytes/s"%(pc.getinfo(pc.SIZE_UPLOAD)))print("Average download speed: %d bytes/s"%(pc.getinfo(pc.SPEED_DOWNLOAD)))print("Average upload speed: %d bytes/s"%(pc.getinfo(pc.SPEED_UPLAOD)))print("HTTP header size: %d byte"%(pc.getinfo(pc.HEADER_SIZE)))

actual case:

#! /usr/bin/env python
# - *- coding: utf-8-*-
# @ File :
# @ CreateTime :2019/7/3115:23
# @ Author : WeiyiGeek
# @ Function :Realize the detection of web service quality and web page screenshots
# @ Software: PyCharm

import sys, time
import pycurl


def request():"""
  Build request
 : return:"""
 pc = pycurl.Curl()  #Construct a Curl object
 pc.setopt(pycurl.URL, URL) #Define the requested URL
 pc.setopt(pycurl.CONNECTTIMEOUT,5) #Connection waiting time, 0 means no waiting
 pc.setopt(pycurl.TIMEOUT,5)  #Request timeout
 pc.setopt(pycurl.NOPROGRESS,1)  #The download progress bar is similar to curl
 pc.setopt(pycurl.FORBID_REUSE,1) #Disconnect after completing the interaction without reusing
 pc.setopt(pycurl.MAXREDIRS,1)   #Specify the maximum number of HTTP redirects as 1
 pc.setopt(pycurl.DNS_CACHE_TIMEOUT,30)  #Error reporting DNS information is 30s
 pc.setopt(pycurl.USERAGENT,"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:68.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/68.0")

 # Create a file object to'wb'Way to open, store the returned http header information and page content;withopen('content.txt','wb')as index:
  pc.setopt(pycurl.WRITEHEADER, index)  #Direct the return HTTP HEADER to the indexfile file object
  pc.setopt(pycurl.WRITEDATA, index)  #Direct the returned HTML content to the indexfile file object
   pc.perform()  #Submit request
  except Exception as e:print("connect Error:"+str(e))
   sys.exit()return pc

def reponse(pc):"""
 Return request response data analysis
 : param pc::return:"""
 print("HTTP status code: %s"%(pc.getinfo(pc.HTTP_CODE)))print("DNS resolution time: %.2f ms"%(pc.getinfo(pc.NAMELOOKUP_TIME)*1000))print("Connection time: %.2f ms"%(pc.getinfo(pc.CONNECT_TIME)*1000))print("Ready to transfer time: %.2f ms"%(pc.getinfo(pc.PRETRANSFER_TIME)*1000))print("Transmission start time: %.2f ms"%(pc.getinfo(pc.STARTTRANSFER_TIME)*1000))print("Total transmission end time: %.2f ms"%(pc.getinfo(pc.TOTAL_TIME)*1000))print("Download packet size: %d bytes/s"%(pc.getinfo(pc.SIZE_DOWNLOAD)))print("HTTP header size: %d byte"%(pc.getinfo(pc.HEADER_SIZE)))print("Average download speed: %d bytes/s"%(pc.getinfo(pc.SPEED_DOWNLOAD)))print("Redirection time: %.2f ms"%(pc.getinfo(pc.REDIRECT_TIME)*1000))

def main():"""
 Request function call
 Response function call
 : return:"""
 pcurl =request()reponse(pcurl)return0if __name__ =='__main__':main()

WeiyiGeek.pycurl module

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