Vagrant quickly builds Ubuntu virtual machine environment

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Vagrant quickly builds Ubuntu virtual machine environment#

1. Enable virtual machine service##

Windows startup configuration: Intel Virtualization Technology -> Enabled

2. Download and install VirtualBox

VirtualBox: virtual machine management software

3. Download and install Vagrant

Vagrant: Create and manage virtual machines

Vagrant software:

Vagrant official mirror:

Enter vagrant from the command line


4. Install vagrant ubuntu domestic mirror##

# ubuntu 18.04 LTS:
vagrant box add --name ubuntu18

# ubunt 16.04 LTS:
vagrant box add --name ubuntu16

# ubuntu14:
vagrant box add --name ubuntu14

Install ubuntu 18

vagrant box add --name ubuntu18

vagrant init ="base"change into ="ubuntu18"

5. Start the virtual machine##

vagrant up

6. Connect to the virtual machine##

vagrant ssh

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