How to install Centos operating system on VMware virtual machine

The installation of Centos operating system on the virtual machine VMware is as follows

1、 Download centos operating system and provide Baidu cloud disk link: Password: efhu

2、 Open the blank virtual machine created in VMware in the previous article, and install centos on this blank virtual machine. The steps are as follows:

3、 Turn on the virtual machine, the following picture appears, select, and proceed to the next step. If the following picture does not appear or the command line has not moved after booting, you need to delete the virtual machine and create a new blank virtual machine

4、 Skip the CD media, Skip, just the next step

5、 Choose the system language, you can choose according to your needs, the next step

6、 Set keyboard mode

7、 Select the device used for installation, the default is "basic storage device"

8、 Storage device warning: "Yes, ignore all data"

9、 Set the host name, this step can be omitted, the host name can be changed in the system by modifying the configuration file

10、 This step is to automatically connect to the network after the system is turned on, set as shown in the figure below, and the next step is

11、 Choose time zone, next step

12、 Set root user password

13、 Select the disk partition, if it is simple to use, the default is fine, if you prefer to operate and maintain, you can choose a custom partition

14、 Choose to write to the hard disk, the next step

15、 Choose which version of the system to install. The so-called version types are different, but the packages installed in the system are different. Here I choose to install the desktop version to install

16、 The system is being installed. After the installation is complete, restart the system

17、 After restarting, the following appears, click Next

18、 Click next

19、 Create users through commands in the system, here select default, do not create

20、 Set the time, choose the default here

21、 At this point, the installation of centos on the virtual machine is completed

**to sum up: **

I encounter many problems at work. Although there are some that can be solved in Baidu, they will forget after a long time. If you encounter the same problem, you will have to re-Baidu again. It is too annoying and a waste of time. Simply take care of the problems encountered in your work. , I sorted it out by writing a blog post. If you encounter the same problem in the future, you can directly open the blog post to view it, saving time and effort, convenient for yourself, and you can also share your experience with others; the younger brother wrote a blog post for the first time, there are many things that I don’t understand and write wrong , I also hope that you can teach me more and learn together.

The above is the whole content of this article, I hope it will be helpful to everyone's study.

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