Tutorial diagram of installing CentOS 8 (1905) system on VMware virtual machine

The world-famous virtual machine software VMware-workstation-full-15.5.0-14665864.exe has been updated, VMware Workstation Pro 15 has undergone a comprehensive transformation, and the Ul interface and LOGO icons have been remade. VMware Workstation allows the operating system and applications to be in one The virtual machine runs inside. A virtual machine is a discrete environment that independently runs a host operating system.

CentOS 8 is officially released! CentOS fully complies with Red Hat's redistribution policy and strives to be fully functionally compatible with upstream products. CentOS's modifications to components are mainly to remove Red Hat's trademarks and artwork. This version also includes brand new RHEL upstream, CentOS Streams.

CentOS 8 is officially released, based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 https://www.zalou.cn/article/170865.htm

The main changes of CentOS 8 are the same as RedHat Enterprise Linux 8. Based on Fedora 28 and kernel version 4.18, it provides users with a stable, secure and consistent foundation, across hybrid cloud deployments, and supports traditional and emerging workloads. tool.

The detailed process of installing CentOS 8.0 (1905) system on VMware virtual machine is recorded below.

Contents of this chapter: CentOS 8 installation (CentOS-8-1905)

  1. Installation CD, choose Install CentOS Linux 8.0.1905

  1. Select the system language. I chose English here or Chinese. Just scroll down.

  1. Set keyboard, partition, system language, installation method (I choose minimal installation here, or GUI installation-with interface), time zone, network configuration, etc.

  1. Set a password and wait for the installation to succeed

Five, restart the system

Six, the installation is successful

to sum up

The above is the CentOS 8 (1905) system installation tutorial diagram introduced by the editor. I hope it will be helpful to you. If you have any questions, please leave me a message. The editor will reply to you in time. Thank you very much for your support to the ZaLou.Cn website!
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