Ubuntu16.04 configuration OpenCV3.4.2 and basic use

Ubuntu16.04 configuration OpenCV3.4.2 and basic use

Author: OpenS_Lee

1 background knowledge

OpenCV is a cross-platform computer vision library released under the BSD license (open source), which can run on Linux, Windows, Android and Mac OS operating systems. It is lightweight and efficient—consisting of a series of C functions and a small number of C++ classes, it also provides interfaces to languages such as Python, Ruby, and MATLAB, and implements many common algorithms in image processing and computer vision.

OpenCV is written in C++, and its main interface is also C++, but it still retains a large number of C language interfaces. The library also has a large number of Python, Java and MATLAB/OCTAVE (version 2.5) interfaces. The API interface functions of these languages can be obtained through online documentation. Now it also provides support for C#, Ch, Ruby, GO.

All new developments and algorithms use C++ interface. A GPU interface using CUDA was also implemented in September 2010

2 Ubuntu16.04 configuration OpenCV3.4.2

**OpenCV requirements package: **

· GCC 4.4.x or later

· CMake 2.8.7 or higher

· Git

· GTK+2.x or higher, including headers (libgtk2.0-dev)

· pkg-config

· Python 2.6 or later and Numpy 1.5 or later with developer packages (python-dev, python-numpy)

· ffmpeg or libav development packages: libavcodec-dev, libavformat-dev, libswscale-dev

· [optional] libtbb2 libtbb-dev

· [optional] libdc1394 2.x

· [optional] libjpeg-dev, libpng-dev, libtiff-dev, libjasper-dev, libdc1394-22-dev

· [optional] CUDA Toolkit 6.5 or higher

  1. Download OpenCV3.4.2 Sources on the Opencv official website URL link: https://opencv.org/releases.html

If the download is too slow, you can reply to "OpenCV" on the WeChat official account of "FPGA Open Source Studio" to get the Baidu cloud disk link.

Figure 1 OpenCV3.4.2 Sources

  1. Copy the downloaded compressed package to the Ubuntu system and unzip it.

unzip opencv-3.4.2.zip

  1. Enter the decompressed file package and install the dependent library.

sudo apt-get install build-essential

sudo apt-get install cmake git libgtk2.0-dev pkg-config libavcodec-dev libavformat-dev libswscale-dev

sudo apt-get install python-dev python-numpy libtbb2 libtbb-dev libjpeg-dev libpng-dev libtiff-dev libjasper-dev libdc1394-22-dev

  1. Install cmake

sudo apt-get install cmake

  1. After installing cmake, create a compilation folder build

mkdir build

cd build

  1. Execute cmake

cmake -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local ..

  1. Wait for the cmake command to complete and then execute make

sudo make

sudo make install

  1. After sudo make install is executed, the OpenCV compilation process is over. Next, you need to configure some OpenCV compilation environment. First add the OpenCV library to the path, so that the system can find

sudo gedit /etc/ld.so.conf.d/opencv.conf

After executing this command, it may be a blank file, don’t worry, just add at the end of the file


  1. Execute the following command to make the configuration path just now effective

sudo ldconfig

  1. Configure bash

sudo gedit /etc/bash.bashrc

Add at the end



Save, execute the following command to make the configuration effective

source /etc/bash.bashrc


sudo updatedb

OpenCV installation and configuration is complete. Next, we build a small program to test.

1 Create a display.cpp file

vi display.cpp

include <stdio.h>

include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>

using namespace cv;

int main(int argc, char** argv )


if ( argc != 2 )


printf("usage: DisplayImage.out <Image_Path>\n");

return -1;


Mat image;

image = imread( argv[1], 1 );

if ( !image.data )


printf("No image data \n");

return -1;


namedWindow("Display Image", WINDOW_AUTOSIZE );

imshow("Display Image", image);


return 0;


2 Create CMakeLists.txt

Vi CMakeLists.txt

  1. Run cmake.

cmake .

  1. Run make


  1. Run./display lena.png

. /display lena.png

The result shows a lena.png picture.

OpenCV basic configuration is successful.

If you want to learn more about image processing, you can go to opencv official website or OpenCV Chinese website.

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