Python implements password strength verification

The examples in this article share the specific code for python to implement password strength verification for your reference. The specific content is as follows

One verification rule

Rule 1 Password length is more than 8 characters

Rule 2 The password must contain numbers

Rule 3 The password must contain uppercase and lowercase letters

Rule 4 The password must contain special characters ['+','-','*','/','_','&','%',',']

Rule 5 If the verification fails 5 times, it will be forced to exit

Two file operations

Each password entered will be saved to a text file

The following is the python code implementation:

Author: zhengzhihui
Version: 7.0
Date: 2019/7/13
Function: Determine the password strength
2.0 Function: loop and terminate
3.0 Function: save the password in the text
4.0 Function: read files, traverse files
5.0 Function: Define PasswordTool class
6.0 Function: Define the FileTool class
7.0 Function: add uppercase and lowercase letters and special characters in the password['+','-','*','/','_','&','%',',']"""
import time as tm
File tools
def __init__(self, filepath):
self.filepath = filepath
def write_to_file(self, content):withopen(self.filepath,'a')as f:
def read_from_file(self):withopen(self.filepath,'r')as f:
content = f.readlines()return content
Password tools
def __init__(self, password):
self.password = password
self.strength_level =0
def check_number_exist(self):"""
Determine whether it contains numbers
has_number = False
for c in self.password:if c.isnumeric():
has_number = True
breakreturn has_number
def check_letter_exist(self):"""
Determine whether it contains letters
has_upper_letter = False
has_lower_letter = False
for c in self.password:if c.isupper():
has_upper_letter = True
elif c.islower():
has_lower_letter = True
has_both_letter = has_upper_letter and has_lower_letter
if has_both_letter:breakreturn has_both_letter
def check_specialchar_exist(self):"""
Determine whether it contains special characters
has_specialchar = False
specialchar_list =['+','-','*','/','_','&','%',',']for c in self.password:if c in specialchar_list:
has_specialchar = True
breakreturn has_specialchar
def process_password(self):"""
Determine whether it meets the rules
# Rule 1: At least 8 bits in length
self.strength_level +=1else:print('Password length is at least 8 characters')
# Rule 2: Must contain numbers
if self.check_number_exist():
self.strength_level +=1else:print('Password needs to contain numbers')
# Rule 3: Must contain uppercase and lowercase letters
if self.check_letter_exist():
self.strength_level +=1else:print('Password must contain uppercase and lowercase letters')
# Rule 4: Special characters need to be included
if self.check_specialchar_exist():
self.strength_level +=1else:print('Password must contain at least one special character("+,-,*,/,_")')
def main():"""
Main function
try_times =5
pwd_strength_dict ={0:'weak',1:'较weak',2:'in',3:'Strong',4:'超Strong'}
myfile =FileTool("password_7.0.txt")while try_times   0:
password =input('Please enter password: ')
mypwdtool =PasswordTool(password)
now_time = tm.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", tm.localtime())
myfile.write_to_file("date:{}password:{}strength:{}{}\n".format(now_time, password,
mypwdtool.strength_level, pwd_strength_dict[mypwdtool.strength_level]))if mypwdtool.strength_level  =4:print('Congratulations! Password qualified')breakelse:print('Unqualified password')
try_times -=1print()if try_times <=0:print('Too many attempts, password setting failed!')
content = myfile.read_from_file()print(content)if __name__ =="__main__":main()

The above is the whole content of this article, I hope it will be helpful to everyone's study.

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