Python implements simple tic-tac-toe game

Tic-tac-toe, the English name is Tic-Tac-Toe, is a kind of renju game played on a 3*3 grid. It is similar to Gobang. Because the board generally does not have a border, the grid lines are arranged in tic-tac-toe so it is named. The only tools needed for the game are paper and pen, and then two players representing O and X take turns to leave marks in the grid (generally, the first player is X), any three marks forming a straight line, it is a win .

The difficulty of the game is how to judge that the connection is a line; horizontal, vertical and oblique directions;

Game code:

#! /usr/bin/env python3
# - *- coding:utf-8-*-
Created on April 13, 2019

@ author: wuluo
__ author__ ='wuluo'
__ version__ ='1.0.0'
__ company__ = u'Chongqing Jiaotong University'
__ updated__ ='2019-04-13'

# Program for creating tic-tac-toe
def initBoard():
 global board #Call the global board
 board =[None]*3print("Tic-Tac-Toe:")for i inrange(len(board)):
 board[i]=["+ "]*3

# Program for printing tic-tac-toe
def printBoard():
 global board
 for i inrange(len(board)):for j inrange(len(board[i])):print(board[i][j], end=" ")print("")

# The program to start playing chess
def startGame():
 global board
 player =0whileisGameContinue():if player <=8:if player %2==0:
 # Party A plays chess
 print("==Black plays chess")if not playChess("x"):continueelse:
 # Party B plays chess
 print("==White plays chess")if not playChess("○"):continue
 player +=1else:print("draw")break

def playChess(chess):
 # Get location
 x =int(input("==  X="))-1
 y =int(input("==  Y="))-1if board[x][y]=="+ ":
 board[x][y]= chess
 printBoard()return True #Successful
 else:print("==There are already pieces, please re-set\a")printBoard()return False #Failed

def isGameContinue():for i inrange(len(board)):for j inrange(len(board[i])):if board[i][j]!="+ ":
 # Horizontal
 if j ==0:if board[i][j]== board[i][j +1]== board[i][j +2]:whoWin(i, j)return False
 # Vertical
 if i ==0:if board[i][j]== board[i +1][j]== board[i +2][j]:whoWin(i, j)return False
 # Forward oblique
 if i ==0 and j ==0:if board[i][j]== board[i +1][j +1]== board[i +2][j +2]:whoWin(i, j)return False
 # Backslash
 if i ==2 and j ==0:if board[i][j]== board[i -1][j +1]== board[i -2][j +2]:whoWin(i, j)return False
 return True

def whoWin(i, j):if board[i][j]=="x":print("Black wins!")else:print("White wins!")for i inrange(3):print("win")classmain():
 board =[]initBoard()printBoard()startGame()if __name__ =="__main__":main()

Game results:

Another result is a tie:

The above is the whole content of this article, I hope it will be helpful to everyone's study.

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