Python implements a guessing game

The examples in this article share the specific code for implementing a guessing game in python for your reference. The specific content is as follows

To design a guessing game, the requirements are as follows:

1、 When the game starts, enter the player name
2、 You can choose 3 computer opponents (computer name is customized)
3、 The rules of the game are: 1, scissors 2, rock 3, cloth
4、 At the beginning of the game, the player vs. the computer, the player chooses one, the computer is randomly 1-3
5、 With statistics on the number of rounds (such as: which round is it now), statistics on winning and losing (how many rounds the player wins, how many rounds the computer wins)

The renderings are as follows:

code show as below:

import random #Import random numbers first
classgame():   #The class for creating a game is divided into two attributes, one player name and one computer name
 def __init__(self,playername,computername):
 self.playerscore=0 #Player score
 self.comscore=0  #Computer score
 self.sum=0   #Number of draws
 def startgame(self):
 newname=input("Please enter your name:")
 dnname=input("Please choose your opponent: 1.Wang Yuan, 2.Wang Junkai, 3.Yi Yang Qianxi:")if dnname=="1":print("Your opponent is Wang Yuan")
 self.computername="Wang Yuan"
 elif dnname=="2":print("Your opponent is Wang Junkai")
 self.computername ="Wang Junkai"
 elif dnname=="3":print("Your opponent is Yi Yang Qianxi")
 self.computername ="Yi Yang Qianxi"else:print("The input is wrong, the system thought you picked Wang Junkai randomly")
 self.computername ="Wang Junkai"print("--------The guessing game starts,%s VS %s--------"%(self.playername, self.computername))print("The rules of the game are: 1.Scissors, 2.Stone, 3.cloth")while True:
 player=int(input("Players please punch:"))
 # Player punches
 player = random.randint(1,3)if player ==1:print("  %s out of the scissors"% self.playername)
 elif player ==2:print("  %s out of the stone"% self.playername)else:print("  %s out of cloth"% self.playername)
 # Computer punches
 computer=random.randint(1,3)if computer==1:print("  %s out of the scissors"%self.computername)
 elif computer==2:print("  %s out of the stone"%self.computername)else:print("  %s out of cloth"%self.computername)if(player==computer):print("draw")
 self.sum+=1elif(player==1 and computer==3)or(player==2 and computer==1)or(player==3 and computer==2):print("%s win this game"%self.playername)
 self.playerscore+=1else:print("%s win this game"%self.computername)
 self.comscore+=1print("Winning or losing statistics:%s VS %s"%(self.playername, self.computername),"Player%s victory%d times"%(self.playername, self.playerscore),"%s victory%d times"%(self.computername, self.comscore),"%d times平局"% self.sum)print("---------------------------------------------------")
 tag =input("Whether to continue y/n :")if tag.lower()=='n':print("Winning or losing statistics:%s VS %s"%(self.playername, self.computername),"Player%s victory%d times"%(self.playername, self.playerscore),"%s victory%d times"%(self.computername, self.comscore),"%d times平局"% self.sum)break

lx=game("as","hfg") #The number of parameters passed in must be equal to the number of defined parameters
lx.startgame()  #Call the method to start the game

More interesting classic mini game implementation topics, share with you:

C++ classic games summary

Python classic games summary

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Summary of classic java games

JavaScript classic games summary

The above is the whole content of this article, I hope it will be helpful to everyone's study.

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