Python implements word guessing game

The example in this article shares the specific code of python to realize the word guessing game for your reference. The specific content is as follows

  1. effect

  1. Code
# Guess the word game
import random #Add to
WORDS =("python","juice","easy","difficult","answer","continue","phone","hello","pose","game")print("Welcome to the word guessing game\n Combine letters into a correct word")
iscontinue ="Y"while iscontinue=="Y" or iscontinue=="Y": #cycle
 # Pick a word randomly from the sequence
 word = random.choice(WORDS)
 # A variable that determines whether the player guessed correctly
 correct = word
 # Create out-of-order words
 jumble =""print(word)while word: #word is not an empty string
 # According to word length, generate random position of word
 position = random.randrange(len(word))
 # Combine position letters into out-of-order words
 # By slicing, delete the position letter from the original word
 word = word[:position]+word[(position+1):]print("Words after disorder:",jumble)
 guess =input("\nPlease guess:")while guess != correct and guess !="":print("Sorry. Incorrect")
 guess =input("Keep guessing")if guess == correct:print("Awesome, you guessed it")
 iscontinue =input("\n whether to continue (Y/N):") #Whether to continue the game

Just learn that Python does not have a semicolon. Its indentation is to judge the logical continuous position. Pay attention to the indentation, otherwise an error will occur.

More interesting classic mini game implementation topics, share with you:

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The above is the whole content of this article, I hope it will be helpful to everyone's study.

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