Add a new project to SVN under Ubuntu

1、 Log in to SVN server
Account: ssh [email protected]
Password: 123456

2、 New SVN project
a. Enter the directory where svn creates the project
      cd /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/

b. Edit files

sudo vi dav_svn.conf 
Password: 123456 (the login password for account test, the same below)

c. Add a new project (testsvn as an example), add the following code at the end of the file

< Location /testsvn> 
 DAV svn 
 SVNPath /home/fruits/svn/projects/code/testsvn
 AuthType Basic 
 AuthName "Subversion repository" 
 AuthUserFile /etc/svn-auth-file 
 Require valid-user 
< /Location>

3、 New project (testsvn) resource library
      sudo svnadmin create /home/fruits/svn/projects/code/testsvn
Note: Now you can download svn resources through TortoiseSVN, but you cannot upload them yet (because the user does not have write permission)

4、 Modify project (testsvn) access permissions
  sudo  chmod  777  -R   /home/fruits/svn/projects/code/testsvn 
Note: -R recursively sets all permissions under the testsvn folder to read+write+execute

5、 Verify that the creation of the svn project (testsvn) is successful
1 ) Download testsvn from svn to local
Use the TortoiseSVN tool to download the file svn resource to the local (right click to checkout), the svn URL of the newly created testsvn project: 
Or command to download svn resources as follows
      svn   co    testsvn

2 ) Upload local files to svn
a. Create a new file aaa.txt, enter: doodlemobile
b. Right click——"TortoiseSVN ——"**Add... **
c. Right click——" SVN Commit... ——" Enter the change record, such as: add aaa.txt
d. Open the browser and enter: to check whether the upload is successful!

6、 common problem

1 ) Could not open the requested SVN filesystem****error

**Solution: ** This is because the project resource library (testsvn) has not been created, so this file cannot be accessed. For the solution, see step 3 above

2 ) Permission denied error

**Solution: ** This is that the user does not have write permission (cannot upload files), please see step 4 above for the solution

**Reference recommendation: **SVNForum

SVN commonly used commands (recommended)

SVN server installation and configuration under ubuntu

Windows install SVN server (Baidu Library)

Detailed tutorial on installing Subversion server and TortoiseSVN client under Windows (Baidu Library)

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