Summary of methods to use Evernote under Ubuntu 14.04

Some things always like to be put in Evernote, but he does not have a linux version, and has always wanted to solve the problem of using it under Ubuntu. The effort pays off, after reinstalling the system today. I finally found it. There are two methods. Although I have tried them, I found that one of them is similar to the previous pidginQQ.

1. Via Everpad

Everpad project is open sourced on github:

The installation method is very simple:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nvbn-rm/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install everpad

The effect is also very simple, I don't like this very much, and maybe because the login time is short and I did not see the previously saved article.

2. Use Wine

1. preparation stage####

Download the latest Windows version of Evernote.

Download address:

②Install Wine 1.3 or higher version

If you have already installed it before, please skip this step automatically.

(1) Open the terminal (Console), enter the following commands in sequence, and press Enter to execute each command:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install wine1.7

Note: The following interface will appear during the installation process, press the tab key to select.

(2) After installation, click "Applications>Wine>Configure Wine" to set Wine as the Windows 7 environment. (Select the "Windows version" at the bottom of the Wine screenshot)

2. Installation phase####

There are two methods for this:

①Choose to add program settings, find Evernote installation package, add and "Apply". (Just thought that this step might not be needed, you can try it yourself) Go to the folder and find the Evernote installation package, right-click -> Open Method -> Use Configure Wine (the display is a bit long, I don’t remember clearly), After that, the installation interface will pop up, just click Install.

②Use commands

The terminal (Console) is our tool for installing Evernote. It can record the error log to help us solve the problems in the installation. Run the following installation command:

 wine [fullpath to Evernote setup .exe file]

**Note: "fullpath" should be replaced with the storage path of Evernote. **

3. Renderings show####

ps: Since the latter interface is better, the functional interface has not changed, so Fengfeng abandoned method one, friends who like method one can try it.

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