How to install two versions of OpenCV under ubuntu?

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As in the development and research process of many vision projects, the installation of different versions of OpenCV under the ubuntu system is often involved. Therefore, Xiaofan briefly summarizes the steps of the two versions of OpenCV under the ubuntu system for quick reference when reinstalling the system in the future. If there are any shortcomings, please criticize and correct.

A download of OpenCV source code

The OpenCV version we chose to install in this article is OpenCV3.3.1. The source code download link can be obtained by following the WeChat official account "3D Vision Workshop" and replying to "OpenCV3.3.1_linux" in the background to get the download link of the installation package.

Second, check the currently installed OpenCV version

Open the terminal and enter the following command to view the currently installed version of OpenCV.

$ pkg-config --modversion opencv

It can be found that the path of our current version of OpenCV installation is: /usr/local/include

Next, we want to install OpenCV3.3.1 in our own newly created folder directory /home/yongqi/workspace/2_ProgramFiles/OpenCV3.3.1, so how do we operate?

Three start to install OpenCV

In the preface, we explained how to obtain the source code installation package of OpenCV3.3.1. After downloading and decompressing, we can install it as follows:

step-1:$ cd  ***/opencv-3.3.1//To opencv-3.3.Step under the unzipped directory of 1-2:$ mkdir buildstep-3:$ cmake -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/home/yongqi/workspace/2_ProgramFiles/OpenCV3.3.1 .. //Note here..Don't forget step-4:$ make -j8step-5:sudo make install -j6

In this way, opencv3.3.1 will be installed in the directory you specify.

Four configure OpenCV environment

Next, we also need to configure some environment variables of OpenCV.

step-1:gedit ~/.bashrcstep-2:Write it down and add the following at the end of the above opened file: export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/home/yongqi/workspace/2_ProgramFiles/OpenCV3.3.1/lib/pkgconfigexport LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/yongqi/workspace/2_ProgramFiles/OpenCV3.3.1/After lib is saved and executed: step-3:$ source ~/.bashrc

Next, configure the lib path of OpenCV

step-1: $ cd /etc/ $ sudo gedit  opencv.confstep-3:Opencv opened above.Write opencv3 in conf.3.1 lib path/home/yongqi/workspace/2_ProgramFiles/OpenCV3.3.1/libstep-4: $ sudo ldconfig

Five test the current version of OpenCV

step-1: $ pkg-config --modversion opencvstep-2: $ pkg-config --cflags opencvstep-3: $ pkg-config --libs opencv

Through the above, we can see that OpenCV in the system has become OpenCV 3.3.1 version.

**Remarks: **

If you still want to use the original OpenCV2.4.9, just modify the fourth step to the pkgconfig path of OpenCV2.4.9.

Reference blog post:

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Learn OpenCV 4 from zero recommended in the past

[ Installation [from zero learning OpenCV 4] Windows system OpenCV 4] (

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[ [Learning OpenCV 4] from zero expansion module mounting opencv_contrib] (

[ [Learning OpenCV 4 from Zero] Introduction to Mat Classes](

[ [From zero learning OpenCV 4] Mat class constructor and assignment] (

[ [Learning OpenCV 4 from scratch] Math supported operations](

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