How to install Anaconda3 on Ubuntu 18.04

Anaconda refers to an open source Python distribution, which contains more than 180 scientific packages such as conda and Python and their dependencies. Because it contains a large number of scientific packages, the download file of Anaconda is relatively large (approximately 531 MB). If you only need certain packages, or need to save bandwidth or storage space, you can also use Miniconda, a smaller release version (only conda and Python).

1. Download Anaconda

Download (Anaconda version corresponding to Ubuntu18.04):

Method 1: Download on the Anaconda official website, which is time-consuming, as shown in Figure 1.

Picture 1

Method 2: Download from the open source software mirror station of Tsinghua University, as shown in Figure 2 and Figure 3.

Picture 2

Figure 3

  1. Install Anaconda

1 ) Open terminal;

2 ) Open the download file location: cd Downloads/

3 ) Run the .sh file:


4 ) Enter the registration information page and enter yes;

Figure 4

5 ) Read the registration information, then enter yes; check the location where the file will be installed, and press enter to install, as shown in Figure 5;

Figure 5

6 ) Enter the installation process, as shown in Figure 6;

Figure 6

7 ) After the installation is complete, you receive a prompt message to add environment variables, enter yes, as shown in Figure 7 (the host accidentally pressed the wrong button);

Figure 7

8 ) Seeing the information in Figure 8 indicates that the installation is complete.

Figure 8

9 ) The prompt message "Do you wish to proceed with the installation of Microsoft VSCode? [yes|no]", enter no;

10 ) Restart the terminal to use Anaconda3;

11 ) If you enter python in the terminal, the python version that comes with Ubuntu will still be displayed, we execute:

sudo gedit ~/.bashrcexport PATH=”/home/xupp/anaconda3/bin:$PATH”source ~/.bashrc

Modify the terminal's default python to anaconda, and this is all done.

to sum up

This is the end of this article about installing Anaconda3 on Ubuntu 18.04. For more related ubuntu installation of Anaconda, please search for previous articles on ZaLou.Cn or continue to browse related articles below. Hope you will support ZaLou.Cn more in the future!

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