Update gcc to 6.4.0 in centos

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Gcc in the museum

When I needed to compile a github project, I was suddenly prompted that gcc does not support c++11 features. Then I looked at the gcc version and it turned out to be 4.8.5? Upgrade decisively, but there seems to be no updated version in the software source, so I can only download the source code and compile it myself.

Compile from source#

The detailed compilation process can be found in 1. According to this process, it succeeded! So there is not much to talk about, just send out four of the packages, these four packages are indeed not easy to collect. See 2


  1. https://www.linuxidc.com/Linux/2017-10/147256.htm
  2. Link: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1DCaAnYRvVOVg2WKQvbzbEQ Password: es37

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