Modify shortcut keys under Ubuntu 18.04

Modify shortcut keys under Ubuntu##

The shortcut keys of Intelij Idea under Ubuntu are almost the same as those of windows. One of the most commonly used shortcut keys conflicts with the system:

Ctrl + Alt + T

The idea is surround with. I often add try-catch. But Ubuntu is used to start Terminal.

Need to change the shortcut keys of terminal.

Search for shortcut or keyboard

Search Terminal

We switch the shortcut key to super+T. It is easy to use and does not occupy function keys.


Another commonly used shortcut is to take a screenshot.

Press the PrintScreen shortcut to take a screenshot of the full screen.

The pictures are saved under pictures in the user directory.

Press the shortcut key Alt+PrintScreen to capture the current window.

Press the shortcut key Shift+PrintScreen to capture the content of any rectangle.

You can add one if you are used to qq screenshot shortcut

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