Start working under ubuntu


The PC at home has been useless for several months. I just turned it on yesterday and found that the SSD could not be recognized. After investigation, it was determined that the disk was broken, and then I could only reinstall it.

I used win10 as a development environment before, but I feel that windows is still more suitable as a game console, and there is an MBP at home, so considering that I have not used the Linux desktop version, I decided to feel ubuntu


The PC configuration is 12GB memory, the hard disk is 1T+5T, and the 1T hard disk is almost loaded with data. 5T has 4 T without partitions, so it is directly installed on the 5T disk, and 200G is mounted in the / directory. , 100G is mounted in the /home directory, 14G is allocated to the SWAP swap partition, 500M is allocated to the EFI boot partition, and UEFI boot configuration is carried out in the BIOS

Visit foreign website##

Accessing foreign websites under linux is relatively cumbersome compared to windows, darwin, android, and ios systems. First, install ss, and after opening ss, configure the system proxy to the local port in ss

If you want to implement the browser to go online according to the GFWList rules, in the case of chrome, you need to download a plug-in: SwitchyOmega, and follow the Process configuration

If you want to implement terminal access to foreign websites, you need to install proxychains

sudo apt-get install proxychains

Edit configuration file

mkdir -p /home/lestat/.proxychains/
sudo vim ~/.proxychains/proxychains.conf

Configure as follows (protocol, ip, port are configured according to actual situation)

remote_dns_subnet 224
tcp_read_time_out 15000
tcp_connect_time_out 8000
[ ProxyList]

Then add proxychains before the command that requires ss, such as:

sudo proxychains git clone

docker development environment##

After installing docker and docker-compose, use the script I wrote before to quickly build a docker+nginx+php+mysql+redis development environment, while supporting the coexistence of multiple versions of various services , The later development is very convenient, getting rid of the constraint that similar services in the integrated environment can only run one version

sudo proxychains git clone
cd docker-lnmp && chmod u+x ./ &&./

Tool recommendation##

terminal extension

  1. proxychains
  2. git
  3. npm related
  4. docker related
  5. ntfs-3g (tool used to hang on the windows ntfs partition, if the computer is a dual system, it is highly recommended)
  6. rdesktop (connect to windows server)
  7. OhMyZsh
  8. tldr
  9. htop (top enhanced version)


  1. telegram (recommended to install a chrome/firefox plugin for more convenient use)
  2. Web version of WeChat

development tools###

  1. vscode (cannot be better used...)
  2. The updated version of phpstorm (2018.1.6) cannot use the previous activation server
  3. pycharm (personal version, free)
  4. postman


  1. Sogou Pinyin
  2. Nut Cloud
  3. FileZilla
  4. Wps
  5. vps network speed test wget -qO- | bash
  6. frp (intranet penetration, can be used for development testing, receiving payment callback)

Close program crash report##

Install theme management##

sudo apt-get install unity-tweak-tool
sudo apt-get install notify-osd && sudo apt-get install overlay-scrollbar
nohup unity-tweak-tool>/dev/null2>&1&

One-stop solution for theme, icon, dock

One-click start of development environment##

#! /bin/zsh
# Use zsh instead of bash to execute commands here

# home directory location

# Open ss&&Start the development environment&&Open phpstorm
nohup $HOME/Downloads/Shadowsocks-version.AppImage>/dev/null2>&1&
cd $HOME/work && sudo -S docker-compose up -d  << EOF 
cd $HOME/PhpStorm-version/bin && nohup ./>/dev/null2>&1&

# Open frp proxy
nohup $HOME/frp/frpc -c $HOME/frp/frpc.ini>/dev/null&

# Mount windows F disk to the current system/mnt/windows_D
sudo -S ntfs-3g /dev/sdb2 /mnt/windows_D << EOF 

Finally, Amway a theme series##

draculatheme dark theme, supports a variety of mainstream editors, and the zsh installed above, personally like this style

Hasta la vista

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