Ubuntu 16.04 installation graphic tutorial under VMware 12

This article shares the installation tutorial for Ubuntu 16.04 under VMware 12 for your reference. The specific content is as follows

1 Environmental preparation:

(1) The original system is WIN8, and the virtual machine VMware Workstation Pro has been installed correctly.
(2) Download Ubuntu system

a. Enter the link

b. Click "Download", if you don't want to donate to ubuntu, click "Not now, take me to the download"

c. Click later to download the system image

2 Installation process:

2.1 VMware add virtual machine

(1) Double-click to open the VMware virtual machine and select "Create a new virtual machine";

(2) Select "Custom (Advanced)" and click "Next";

(3) Default option, click "Next";

(4) Select "Install the operating system later" and click "Next";

(5) Select "Linux", "Ubuntu 64 bit", click "Next";

PS. If you are downloading 32-bit Ubuntu, you should choose "Ubuntu" under "Linux" instead of the option in the picture.

(6) Change the virtual machine name and storage location as required, and click "Next";

(7) Default option, click "Next";

(8) Set the memory size according to your needs, be careful not to exceed the actual computer's memory, click "Next";

(9) Default option, click "Next";

(10) Default option, click "Next";

(11) Default option, click "Next";

(12) Select "Create a new virtual disk" and click "Next";

(13) Adjust the maximum disk size as needed, select "Store virtual disk as a single file", and click "Next";

(14) Default option, click "Next";

(15) The default option, click "Finish".

(16) At this step, you can see the newly created virtual machine in the "My Computer" column on the left side of the virtual machine, click the name of the virtual machine, and click "Edit virtual machine settings";

(17) Select "CD/DVD (SATA)", select "Use ISO image file", click "Browse", find the previously downloaded virtual machine, and click "OK".

2.2 Install Ubuntu system on virtual machine

(1) Click "Turn on this virtual machine";

(2) Click "Install Ubuntu";

(3) Check "Download updates while installing Ubuntu" and click "Continue";

(4) Select "Erase disk and install Ubuntu", click "Install Now"; select "Continue" in the pop-up window;

PS: Because we are a newly installed system and in a virtual machine, we can choose "Erase disk and install Ubuntu"

(5) Click on the location of China on the map, the time zone of Shanghai will pop up by default, because all regions in China use the same time zone, so Shanghai is OK. Click "Continue";

(6) Select the keyboard layout and click "Continue";

(7) Set the computer name and account password, click to start installing the system.

(8) After the installation is complete, there will be the following prompt, just restart the computer according to the prompt.

After restarting:

At this point, the installation is complete, start your Ubuntu journey!

The above is the whole content of this article, I hope it will be helpful to everyone's study.

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